Trump: impeachment attempts cause great anger, but I don’t want violence


Donald Trump PHOTO: Reuters

US President Donald Trump, who is under pressure to resign after his supporters stormed the Capitol in Washington last week, declined to say today whether he would resign, Reuters reported.

Attempts to accuse me arouse great anger, but I don’t want violence, Trump said.

The president of the United States spoke with reporters before going to inspect the wall on the border with Mexico in El Alamo, Texas. He declined to answer a question about whether he intends to resign, BTA reported.

When asked if he was responsible for the assault on the US Congress, Trump said his words at the time were “completely appropriate.” Violence should always be avoided, he noted.

Trump accused major tech companies of doing terrible things to the United States and condemned blocking their access to social media. He had never seen so much anger in people as now, after the actions of the big technology companies, he said.
