Trump: I hear we’re doing well everywhere


Trump: I hear we're doing well everywhere

Americans voted Tuesday to decide whether current Republican President Donald Trump or Democratic nominee Joe Biden will take over the United States for the next four years. After the mandate of the businessman, who became a politician, the United States is highly polarized and the outcome of the vote remains difficult to predict.

According to opinion polls, Joe Biden leads by about 10%, but victory is uncertain due to the American electoral system.

Each state sends a number of voters to the 538-member Electoral College and they vote for president. So it is more important which candidate wins more voters from different states than how many votes he gets from Americans.

All but two states (Maine and Nebraska) have a “winner takes all” rule, whereby the candidate with the most votes gets all the votes at the state university.

Announcement of official results may take several days, but preliminary data is expected tonight.

More than 99 million Americans have already voted electronically, and Democrats are more active.

“We will have four great years”

Wavering states will be key to electoral victory. On election day, Trump announced that he was doing very well in the elections and commented that a great evening awaited him.

“I realized we were doing great in Florida, we were doing great in Arizona, we were doing incredibly well in Texas. I heard we’re doing great everywhere. I think we’re going to have a great night and, what is more important, we will have four great years “ Trump said, addressing his supporters at his campaign headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.

The increased use of vote-by-mail by US voters may delay the counting of ballots and the announcement of the results, AFP notes.

Trump said he “has not yet thought of a speech to acknowledge defeat or welcome victory,” the DPA reported.

“We hope to say just one of these two and you know, victory is easy. Losing is never easy, at least not for me.” added.

The president stressed that he is very well, despite the fact that his voice is hoarse from so many electoral speeches.

Trump and other attendees did not wear masks despite the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden: Trump thinks he can decide who to vote for

Meanwhile, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said “this year we will get more people to vote than ever before in American history.”

He said he had received information that more than 150 million people would vote.

He said that the number of voters between the ages of 18 and 30 had risen sharply and that “so far 54% of voters are women.”

“The president has a lot behind him. One of them is that he thinks he can decide who to vote for. Well guess what? The people will vote and decide who will be president!”

“We just have to remember who we are … This is America!” he added in front of his supporters in Philadelphia.

“We choose hope over fear, we choose truth over lies, we choose science over fiction”, said the former vice president.

What is the moment?

In some eastern states, polling stations opened at 6 am local time (1 pm Bulgarian time).

The most anticipated results will begin to arrive after 7:00 p.m. local time (02:00 Bulgarian time), when polling stations close in some states, such as Georgia, although the announcement of final national results can be delayed for days in a disputed contest.

The polling stations themselves will continue to open consecutively in all six United States time zones. Election Day will end at the earliest on the East Coast at 19:00 local time (02:00 Bulgarian time).

The key states

Trump is gathering support in enough faltering states to get the 270 electoral college votes needed to run for president. He won the 2016 election, although Democrat Hillary Clinton was voted with almost 3 million more.

Most states have strong political preferences and tend to vote primarily for one party. Therefore, candidates are targeting a dozen states where they have roughly the same opportunities. These states are key.

In these often called wavering states, voters’ preferences are divided equally between Democrats and Republicans. Traditional key states include Florida and Ohio. Others, like Arizona and Texas, who previously voted Republican, are seen as key in 2020 due to growing support for the Democratic Party.

The Washington Post notes that the ultimate winner depends on whether Republican President Donald Trump gets large masses of his supporters to vote today, especially in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, to catch up with Democrat Joe Biden.

In 2000, the contest between Republican candidate George W. Bush and Democratic candidate Al Gore narrowed to a victory in Florida, where the difference between the two was only a few hundred votes. Weeks of legal battles followed that led to a recount, but the Supreme Court ultimately intervened.

Bush was declared the winner, receiving all 25 votes at Florida Electoral College. With them, he obtained the 271 votes necessary to win the elections. Gore, who won more votes at home than Bush, admitted defeat.

Trump: a great chance of success

Triumph He commented Tuesday that he has a “very strong chance of winning” in today’s presidential election.

The Republican president, who according to opinion polls lags behind his Democratic rival Joe Biden, said in an interview with Fox News that the “incredible crowds” of his rallies will be expressed in votes in his support and a surprising victory as in 2016 .

“We will win very convincingly in Texas, Florida, Arizona. I think our results will be very good in North Carolina,” he predicted for some states where tied results are expected.

For Pennsylvania, Trump was more cautious that “there will be good results.”

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden began Election Day by visiting a church and going to the grave of his late son Bo, the Associated Press reported.

Biden and his wife, Jill, visited a church in Wilmington, Delaware, early in the morning, where he usually goes on Sundays when he’s home. With him were his granddaughters Finegan and Natalie.

The four then went to Bo Biden’s grave in the cemetery. Bo died of cancer in 2015.

Biden’s late wife, Nilia, and their daughter, Naomi, are also buried in the cemetery.

Biden will spend the rest of the day in Pennsylvania.

Riots are possible

There are also fears of possible disturbances. In several cities, storefronts and shop windows were boarded up like before a hurricane in anticipation of possible protests, including at the White House and New York.

The Washington Times reported that the actions of left-wing activists in Washington were possible.

It is unclear what the reaction of Trump supporters would be if he suffered an electoral defeat.

“On the night after the US presidential election on November 3, as well as the next few days, there is the possibility of protests and disturbances in public order in major cities.”warned the Bulgarian embassy in Washington.

Both candidates are over 70

Both candidates are a hell of 70. Trump, if he wins the election, will be 74 at the beginning of his second term, and if Biden wins, he will be the oldest president (first term) in the history of the United States at 78 years old.

The election campaign was dominated by the pandemic, which claimed more than 231,000 lives and claimed the jobs of millions. The country has also been rocked by national protests over cases of violence against blacks.

The candidates presented two clearly defined visions of the country.

Republican Trump presents himself as a contrast to the status quo and describes Biden as a pawn in the hands of the far left.

Biden sees the election as a referendum on the nation’s morale. The Democratic candidate pledged to heal the country’s wounds and described his participation in the campaign as a response to a call for help.

During the campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly downplayed the severity of the pandemic, while Biden promised that if he became president, he would work toward a national requirement to wear masks.

In the final days of his busy election schedule during a rally, Trump said he could fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading White House expert on handling Covid-19, after Fauci criticized the administration’s actions. Biden didn’t hesitate to comment, saying the country needs a president who really listens to experts like Fauci.

Democrats can control the Senate too

All attention will be on Trump and Biden, but voters will also elect new members of Congress.

Congress is the US legislature. It consists of two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Members of the House of Representatives are elected for a two-year term, while Senators are elected for a six-year term and are divided into three groups, meaning that one-third of them are re-elected every two years.

Democrats already have a majority in the House of Representatives, so they will seek to maintain control there while trying to win a majority in the Senate.

If they have a majority in both houses, they can block or postpone almost all of President Trump’s plans if he is re-elected.
