Trump: All Black-Ruled Countries Are Rotten Kenefs – US


Michael Cohen, former personal attorney for Donald TrumpDonald trump

Donald Trump: American businessman and politician Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York, states in a new book that his client has made insulting comments about the world’s black leaders, including Nelson Mandela, as well as minorities in the United States. This was announced last night by the Washington Post, which has a copy of the book, Reuters reported.

Cohen was close to Trump for years before opposing him in public testimony before Congress during the president’s impeachment process. Cohen is currently serving a three-year sentence for various misdemeanors, including. perjury.

In the next book, Cohen claims that after Mandela’s death in 2013, Trump had said, “Mandela is fucking the whole country. Now she’s kenef. He’s fucking Mandela. He wasn’t a leader.” Trump also said that all black-ruled countries were “rotten kenefs.”

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The author of the book also claims that in 2016 Trump had said that he did not expect Spanish-speaking voters to support him in the elections. He said that “like blacks, they are too stupid to vote for Trump,” the Washington daily reported.

White House spokeswoman Kylie McInani said Cohen was a “disgraced criminal and disenfranchised attorney” and that there was nothing surprising in “his latest attempt to enrich himself with lies.” Trump called his former lawyer a “rat” and a liar, and Cohen complained that he had received death threats from Trump supporters.
