Tsvetan Momchev says he is not a tenant on the farm.
Tsvetan Momchev it’s free and without charge
The son of a Plovdiv transport chief sent me to the bitcoin farm to repair the damage, but it was actually to arrest me. This is stated in a letter received by email from “24 hours”, Tsvetan Momchev. On Sunday, he was detained at the former cooperative farm in the village of Herakovo, where in two months electricity worth BGN 1 million was stolen from him. A day later, a man with that name sent an email to the newspaper, in which he told his version. Whether what Momchev wrote is true will become clear in the course of the investigation.
“I went to work for him, thinking that everything was fair and legal. However, my boss uses me as a fuse. He says he rented me the room. This is not true at all, “says Momchev, who calls the Plovdiv resident by name. He had many companies with different activities, but mainly in transport. His father was also known in the city for this business.
According to Momchev, his employer even prevented him from cooperating with the investigators. “I was detained and wanted to tell me everything, but my boss sent me a lawyer who advised me not to speak, because the crime was insignificant and they would take me out quickly,” Momchev added. “24 Horas” tried to reach him for more details Tuesday afternoon, but no one responded to the phone number listed as his.
It is unclear if anyone is charged, although police commented Monday that Momchev would be responsible for stealing electricity.
The two buildings from which the electricity was stolen were connected directly to the staircase. There were 500 bitcoin excavators, each with water cooling.
In just one hour, electricity was consumed from the site, as much as 4-5 families spend per month. However, the consumption did not go unnoticed by CEZ employees. They have seen a huge increase in electricity supply in recent months. However, there was no increase in the bills, so on December 12 they reported it to the police. CEZ announced the electricity theft revealed as the largest yet.
Momchev was immediately detained and his personal computer confiscated. In it was found a receipt for a bitcoin transaction. After that, 40 of the valuable blockchains remained in your wallet. They are worth 1,227,904.06 BGN at Saturday’s exchange rate, but the trend is up. There may be many more, as the transaction is dated early November.
Due to the receipt, it will be verified whether Momchev is not a financial mule and whether he was simply a fuse. Numerous experts have been appointed in the case.