Traffic police: all equipment removed, help from the gendarmerie – Bulgaria


Traffic police: all equipment was removed, help from the gendarmerie

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“A police operation is planned, which will be carried out in two main directions. The first direction is aimed at securing traffic,” said Inspector Lachezar Bliznakov of the Traffic Police at a briefing on road safety measures taken in relationship with next weekend, BGNES reported. .

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“We expect traffic to increase. A police operation is planned, to be carried out in two main directions. The first is aimed at ensuring traffic, both at the exit of the capital and on the main roads, main roads, highways and also the collection. to the capital and big cities, “said Inspector Borisov.

He said that measures have been taken in this regard, all the teams of the Traffic Police have been taken to the field, which will be assisted by teams of the gendarmerie and security police.

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In the first stage, the traffic will be supported, in the SDVR of the capital measures have been taken to secure the main boulevards, the regulation of traffic by employees to avoid creating traffic jams and the like. The Gendarmerie teams will move in parallel with the flow of traffic on the main highways in order to take out such aggressive drivers and drivers generally dangerous for traffic, “said Lachezar Bliznakov.

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He pointed out that more and more signals are received from citizens when driving on roads when these drivers are detected. “In case of such signals, they will be stopped when our employees set them and they will be punished. The call to the public is to follow the orders of the employees on the 112 telephones and deliver additional information to our teams so that we can perform our functions correctly, ”called the inspector.

The second focus of the operation is the control of drivers who drive after consuming alcohol and drugs. For this reason, during the weekend itself, the police presence will increase in the area of ​​spas, settlements and entertainment establishments.

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GDNP Chief Inspector Nikolay Krusharski summarized that yesterday the last specialized police operation ended, which had different accents for the different regional directorates. As part of the police actions, 30,475 motor vehicles and 36,167 drivers and passengers were searched. As a result, 12,156 slips and 3,664 minutes were written for established administrative infractions. One of the main ones was the failure to use security systems, for which 1,073 drivers and passengers were penalized and 193 incompetent drivers were identified.
