Tony Storaro screamed with joy when he realized that COVID-19 was no more.


The singer tested negative for coronavirus and returned home

Singer Tony Storaro screamed with joy when his doctor told him that there was no trace of the coronavirus left on his body. “I said to myself: ‘God is great! We have to believe in him and go his way! “Recalls the pop-folk singer. And for him, COVID-19 is not asymptomatic.

“Already from August 23 to 24, I felt bad, I even refused to participate. I was in Shumen and I called my personal doctor in Sofia, ”says Storaro. He explained what his symptoms were and asked him if there was a possibility that it was a dangerous virus. The answer was that he probably had the flu or a cold and it would soon pass. Storaro assured himself that he would be completely healthy in a week. “But after 5-6-7 days I didn’t feel better. And on the eighth or ninth day,

when I went to

Shumen hospital

and took a photo,

I already had a two-way


which was quite dangerous. They also did a PCR test, which was positive, “says the singer.

“It’s like the end of the world. I was very scared, due to all the information about the severity of the disease and had high blood pressure,” he added. This worsened his condition. It got to the point where Storaro took 4 antibiotics a day, respectively, with probiotics for the stomach.

“I do not want my worst enemy to contract the coronavirus and go through what I went through: deteriorating health, insecurity, fear …

Do not play

the virus has it.

The most opportune

get caught, both

faster and easier

is cured ”,

says the singer and advises people who show their characteristic symptoms not to underestimate them, but to get a PCR test.

Although for Storaro COVID-19 it is not a pleasant experience at all, it happens thanks to the angels in white aprons: the doctors. “I think that all of them, throughout Bulgaria, are very good and cope extremely well with the situation the pandemic has put us in. I came across such professionals in Shumen that despite the deterioration I was in when I entered, I stabilized with care, attention, comfort … I thank the executive director of the hospital Dr. Kostov and his wife, who is the head of the department of infectious diseases, Dr. Kostova, and all the other doctors, nurses, paramedics. Special thanks to the doctor who diagnosed me, a proven specialist whose name I heard 20 years ago, Dr. Zagorichev, who, after a very precise analysis of my condition, advised me to go to the hospital immediately.With great gratitude says Storaro.

He himself cannot say with certainty exactly where he got infected. “In August I sang at 3-4 weddings, it may have happened at one of them.

There is contact with

people are closer,

everyone loves me

hug yes

kiss Me

Or some participation in the sea ”, he only suggests.

While in the hospital, he not only received the support of his fans to heal faster. On the contrary, conspiracy theorists have accused him of being paid for pretending to be infected with the coronavirus, believing it did not exist at all. The reason is that the singer released the video for her new song “Ah, what a woman you are.” “For the new video, I received criticism for recording it when I said I was in the hospital at the time. It was shot two months ago, but then the director’s team is working on its processing. When I was ready, I no longer felt well and did not I cared. The first day I felt better and the doctors told me I was clean, I called to share the good news with my producers. They offered to “treat us” this time by airing the new video. I accepted spontaneously, without to even think that anyone could think of such nonsense. I did it for my own pleasure and entertainment and for the sake of my fans, “says the singer.

Until now, he has always been honest about both his personal life and his professional life. “I think I earn enough with my vote to turn to him, to convey my honor and dignity for money. And when he wasn’t making money, he was still not selling for money. They are to spend, to enjoy, but health is not a joke ”, Storaro is categorical. The song itself is based on the music and lyrics of the Greek singer Vassilis Karas. 3-4 months ago the Bulgarian was his guest and he told him that he wanted to make a new song. Karas gave it to him immediately.

And Storaro, as a representative of the music industry, was greatly affected by the isolation at the beginning of the pandemic. “The music business has it and always will. My prediction, which I have shared many times, is that in it

They will stay

only those who

they really can


Those who are not suitable for this work, the public will take them off the stage little by little ”, the interpreter is categorical.

The music of his family is transmitted by blood. Her two sons, Fiki Storaro and Emrah, follow in their father’s footsteps. “I think it is already certain that our musical gene is being transmitted from generation to generation and is even getting stronger. That means that my grandson will become the best, he will be number one, it will happen to all of us,” laughing, says Storaro about little Tuncher. “We play everything with him, but most of all he likes to climb on me or hug or fight with something,” added the happy grandfather.
