Today no decision has been made for the construction of Unit 7 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant – Bulgaria


“What we are going to discuss today in the Council of Ministers has to do with a proposal for the Bulgarian Energy Holding to enter into negotiations with US companies developing the latest nuclear technologies, including so-called small modular reactors, so that we can obtain idea ”, commented the plans for the construction of Unit 7 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant to NOVA’s Energy Minister, Temenujda Petkova.

“The state will currently launch a study on the possibility of building a new nuclear power plant,” Petkova said, emphasizing: “No decision is being taken today on the construction of Unit 7.” Such a decision requires completely different legislative actions. “

We will build Unit 7 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant

The Minister explained that the construction of new nuclear facilities is a key step for Bulgaria’s energy security in the context of the EU’s policies for a low carbon economy and achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050.

“The decision that we are about to discuss today sets a deadline in which the Minister of Energy must report on the results of the negotiations with US companies, and it is until January 2021. Within this period, I hope that we already have a lot of information. more specific, “Petkova said.

He explained that so far the US technology has not received a license from the EU. “There is still no such reactor in Europe.”

Russia Responds to US on Belene and Balkan Stream Nuclear Power Plant

“The goal is to see the latest technology that the United States is developing. We start from our top priority to diversify energy resources,” not just from Russia, Petkova said.

“There can be no abandonment of the Belene nuclear power plant. The decision on this project was taken by the Bulgarian Parliament,” added the minister.

According to Petkova, at the moment the Bulgarian energy sector has a base capacity limit: 4,000 megawatts from coal power plants and 2,000 megawatts from Kozloduy nuclear power plant. In view of the EU’s low-carbon economic policies, coal-fired power plants will need to be phased out of the energy mix after 2030. This requires new nuclear power: two 1,000-megawatt Russian reactors and possibly a 1,100-megawatt American one.

In addition, the maximum terms of operation of Units 5 and 6 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant are until 2047 and 2049, respectively.

Minister Petkova insists that the construction of Unit 7 with US technology is in no way related to the plans for the Belene nuclear power plant, for which some BGN 3 billion have been spent so far. stored on site at Belene in accordance with manufacturer’s requirements.

He added that Bulgaria loses $ 110 million a year in transit fees due to the construction of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline, and the Balkan Stream project is being implemented in full compliance with European standards. Petkova does not believe that the United States will impose sanctions, as the infrastructure is completely Bulgarian.
