Titi Papazov in tears: Levski’s actions will be on me! Bozhkov and Popov will not bankrupt the club


The popular “blue” supporter and basketball coach of Levski-Lukoil – Konstantin Papazov, was a guest on the “120 Minutes” program on bTV, where he clarified the future of the PFC Levski team in a serious financial crisis. He said the club’s shares will be mailed to him by Vasil Bozhkov, but he never disclosed his plans to save the club from bankruptcy. However, he assured that it is not a “base” for anyone and that he is completely honest about his centuries-old aspirations for prosperity. Titi wept in midair …

The problem with Levski's actions may move from another topic after May 13

The problem with Levski’s actions may move from another topic after May 13

There may be other events for “Gerena”

Here is what he said:

“In the past ten days, I can barely sleep for hours because I can’t sleep. Right now Levski is owned by Georgi Popov. The great news for today is that Bozhkov and Popov will not bankrupt Levski. Actions will be dispatched and will not hinder Levski’s survival. On behalf of the people who love Levski, I thank you for giving Levski a chance not to go bankrupt.. Bozhkov has no way of honoring his commitment to fund the club smoothly.

Levski’s actions will be on me! I heard that Pavel Kolev said there were no more levers. In recent months, the only lever has been me. I have the self-confidence of the person with the highest participation in Bulgarian sports. Thanks to the people with whom we took the chestnuts out of the fire last week. As of yesterday, everyone was talking about how Levski won’t have it. The first task is complete: Levski will have a chance to be saved. In modern reality, money is leader, and in causes: morality. I think Levski experienced his catharsis. He lived to be the first Bulgarian club with a new management model and a new way of thinking, so that this part of the fans, who did not recognize Levski, could be in the stadium and support the team.

For legends, fans and bankruptcies.

For legends, fans and bankruptcies.

They are all to blame for Levski’s destruction

Levski will be a morale football club, and this is on demand. I don’t know if we deserve to be named after perhaps the most moral person in the history of Bulgaria with the behavior we have. We must become moral from A to Z. Is there anything more cruel than being the owner and singing “Batkov, blood”! Does Ivo Tonev deserve to be blamed for the stands? Spas Rusev deserves to be spit on? Only Vlado Grashnov, Lafchis and Bozhkov were not spit on. Fate did not allow him to complete our mission. For three months, no one from Levski called Bozhkov. Didn’t he deserve to be asked how he was? Fear is the most important thing in this country. He said he was only fighting to avoid the gambling law.

I can be responsible for myself and I am very upset if someone thinks I may be someone’s screen or background. The topic of money is for the next conversation. Who will give money is my personal responsibility. Levski showed from February 1 to March 14 what a person who loves Levski is capable of. The usual “blue” fan. 75% of people who love Levski have not yet joined the donations. We have to show the class first. Levski has behind the brand, the best name and the people who are followers of this name. I believe madly in God and I don’t lie. There is no one behind me!.

Vasil Bozhkov separated from Levski's shares and mailed them to Sofia.

Vasil Bozhkov separated from Levski’s shares and mailed them to Sofia.

Good news for the big capital.
