Tips from Peter Deunov for healthy lungs


Master Petar Deunov is the most famous Bulgarian spiritual leader and one of the most brilliant personalities in Bulgarian spiritual history and culture.

The main themes of his lectures are: the place and role of man in the universe, nature and society; spiritual understanding of culture, ethics, psychology, medicine, music, etc.

See recommendations related to lung health, made by Donov. They are part of the book “Health, strength and life”:

Like the brain, the heart and lungs have two functions: physiological and mental. The heart not only purifies the blood, but also the senses. The lungs do not only purify the air, they are the altar on which the thoughts, feelings and desires of the person are placed to purify them.

The lung is a representative of a higher world and serves to transform the energies that come from the center of the Earth. The correct action of the lungs determines the thinking of man. The lungs purify the blood and the heart directs it to all parts of the body.

The service of the heart is not limited to sending blood throughout the body, but it is also a node of electricity that is transmitted to all cells.

The lungs and the liver are two transformers of electrical energy. The lung is a transformer of the mental energies of man, therefore it sends the energies of the mind to the brain.

The liver is a transformer of sensory energies that sends them to the autonomic nervous system. The more properly the liver works, the more sublime and noble feelings a person has, “he said in his health speeches.

He added that there are more than 600 million cells in the lungs, encased in tiny cells, in tiny laboratories. When air enters the lungs, each of these cells briefly performs a double function: physiological and mental. “In this sense, breathing is a double process of eating. In one minute a person takes 20 breaths or 20 lunches and in an hour 1200 breaths or 1200 lunches. The work of these workers, who have the final task of purifying the blood, it’s difficult, ”thought Petar Deunov.

General treatment recommendations

Ocven caveti charter izpolzvaneto na konkretni herbs or hrani in povecheto cluchai in bolecti and nerazpolozheniya Uchitelya e preporachval ea ce zapochva c Merki terms: piene na goreshta voda, obilno izpotyavane, ochictvane na crazhniya failed prayer, thoughts of last breath and madness of breath .

Uchitelya razglezhda bolectite na dihatelnata cictema, kakto and proctudnite zabolyavaniya kato rezultat del narushavane na na ectectveniya magnetizam tyaloto, koeto del cvoya ctrana, ce poluchava en emotsionalni travmi, dalgo tadalzhili cactoyani.

Treatment, whatever it may be, should be accompanied by measures to improve emotional balance and general strengthening exercises, including exercises, including exercises.

“Movement in high mountains improves the condition of the respiratory system. It has been observed that people who have a defect in the respiratory system are irritable, nervous and easily angry. The slightest reason can unbalance them.

One of the methods to strengthen the respiratory system is to walk in the open air. Climb to the peaks to induce deep breathing. This is especially good for those who suffer from asthma, as well as those who are predisposed to obesity, ”Master advises.

Tips for the flu

The teacher was a contemporary of the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918-19. Here’s what he said about the flu:

As a remedy against this disease, I recommend drinking hot water and eating boiled potatoes, three or four maximum. Even at high temperatures, it is not dangerous to eat boiled potatoes: they reduce the temperature and have a beneficial effect on the brain. Spanish disease mainly affects the stomach and lungs, the disorder of these organs affects the nervous system.

Tips for fever

Cod is the result of excess matter in humans. Man’s task is to make this impure matter pass through the pores, while sweating. The universal remedy you start with is to drink 5 to 7 glasses of hot boiled water in slow sips. Continue depending on the reason for the trip. The professor does not recommend lubricating the body with alcohol, brandy or oils.

