Thousands with PCR means tens of thousands infected with covid-19 a day


“There is a problem, but it cannot be summed up for all hospitals, not even private ones. At our hospital, at the beginning of March, we started treatment. We are one of the largest hospitals in Sofia and Bulgaria. We have 35 full beds , 30 of them common for covid and 5 intensive. And from Friday we informed RHI that there are already availability for 40 beds, plus 5 intensive. By the 10th of this month we opened a total of 60 beds, 10 of which will be intensive In other words, we have tripled our capacity in the last 2 weeks. In terms of time and capacity, we comply with the requirements of the 10% assigned for the treatment of covid-19 “.

This was stated to NOVA by Dr. Ivan Kolchakov of one of the largest private hospitals, the Sofiamed Hospital. He commented on the cases in which health facilities refuse to accept patients with covid-19.

No more beds for COVID-19 patients in Plovdiv Department of Infectious Diseases

“> In the Department of Infectious Diseases in Plovdiv there are no more beds for COVID-19 patients

“Currently, the standard is acceptance when there is sufficient clinical evidence of covid disease.” Including paraclinical, for example, images: X-ray, scanner and PCR is a basic laboratory test, because if a patient is in a serious condition and is not infected by covid, but enters the environment with covid – infected, naturally, the risk to your life increases. amazing, ”explained Dr. Kolchakov.

“There is already a National Coordination Center in Bulgaria, which has complete information on the availability of free beds in all health facilities. We cannot return the patient, but we must determine if there is an infection. If there is one, the center is informed coordination and if there are no places with us, he is transferred to the nearest hospital ”, Dr. Kolchakov pointed out.

He added that every citizen should be able to receive information and instructions on free beds from the universal emergency number 112.

COVID-19: The percentage of infected people jumps, more than 20 new victims

“> COVID-19: Increase in the percentage of infected, more than 20 new victims

Dr. Kolchakov also commented on the words of the Minister of Health, who threatened to suspend NHIF payments if hospitals do not comply with the order to provide sufficient capacity for the treatment of covid-19.

“We are a state that is based on order, rules and legality. The Minister of Health is the body that issues the permit for each health institution: private, municipal or state. Its powers include not only the termination of the contract between the hospital and the NHIF. In my opinion, if national measures against the epidemic are not implemented, the Minister can proceed to revoke the license of a health institution, temporarily or permanently. No matter what the property of a hospital is , because you participate in the national health system. If you don’t meet the standards, you can lose your license, “said Dr. Kolchakov.

A young man with COVID-19 died waiting for an ambulance for 4 hours

“> A young man with COVID-19 died, waiting for an ambulance for 4 hours

“I successfully transmitted the disease in July; I was a normal patient in Plovdiv. Our medical care is a conveyor belt on which most doctors give 100% and more. We are facing a pandemic hitherto unknown to humanity. I maintain contacts with colleagues from all over the world and I can say that the Bulgarian health system is currently doing it at least at the European middle level ”, Dr. Kolchakov is categorical.

“Of course there are very serious problems. First of all there is the human factor. We have said it many times, but before the democratic changes the number of nurses in Bulgaria exceeded 80 thousand, now they are below 30 thousand, which is what It is the same with doctors. There are many elderly doctors who continue to work, “said Dr. Kolchakov.

“When we have such a big wave, thousands detected by PCR tests, there are tens of thousands infected every day. All health facilities, hospitals, must participate in this battle, because the next stage is the opening of field hospitals It will be a paradox if a hospital structure is created in Arena Armeec and there are hospitals that do not participate “.

“The problem is chronic. Bulgaria has allowed itself the luxury for decades to reserve twice the gross domestic product for health than the average European. In Europe, it is allocated between 9% and 10% of GDP, in Bulgaria the proportion it is always below 5%. In money, this means the following: in Bulgaria, around BGN 700 per person per year for health. In Europe, the average is around 10 times more or 3,500 euros. This money is not only pays staff: doctors, nurses and orderlies. They are used to build hospitals, equipment, consumables, materials, all at European prices. In Bulgaria, this is at the expense of labor costs. When wages are crushed, we don’t have doctors or nurses, “explained Dr. Kolchakov.
