This European country has banned the gathering of more than six people and closed gyms


As of today, the Slovak government has banned the gathering of more than six people from different families in response to the rapid increase in coronavirus infections in the country, DPA reported.

The decision complements a series of measures taken to curb the spread of the epidemic and will take effect on Thursday. These measures make the use of a mask mandatory in public places, restaurants will only be able to serve orders for the home, and gyms, swimming pools and saunas will be completely closed. Grocery stores and pharmacies will have to serve only the elderly at certain times, BTA reported.

Events that draw crowds will be prohibited and sports competitions will be held without an audience. However, the restrictions led to a conflict in the ruling coalition between the populist and conservative Prime Minister Igor Matovic and the Economy Minister Richard Sulik of the neoliberal Freedom and Solidarity Party. On social media, he criticized the cabinet’s reaction and announced that the government was taking measures that would damage the Slovak economy without having the facts to back up its decisions.
