They will also renovate houses for free


For the first time, homeowners will have access to remodeling grants.

About BGN 103 million is the indicative budget foreseen for the energy efficiency measures of single-family residential buildings within the integrated energy efficiency program included in the draft of the National Reconstruction and Sustainability Plan, announced the Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Denitsa Nikolova. After the approval of the plan by the EC, the requirements will be prepared, with which the applications will be presented to the municipalities, reported

BGN 3 billion are the planned investments within the framework of the Recovery and Sustainability Plan, which will implement measures to increase the energy efficiency of public, private and industrial buildings and will build modern public lighting systems. 1.7 billion BGN is the total resource provided for residential buildings, of which more than 90% for multi-family housing.

Allocate additional funds for the repair of student dormitories.

Public buildings will be financed with 417 million BGN and funds for industrial companies will exceed 282 million BGN. It is expected to allocate 452 million to energy efficient public lighting, including the introduction of intelligent systems for its management.

The beneficiaries will be the municipalities, district administrations and ministries, and the measures regarding industrial companies and public lighting will be implemented through public-private collaboration opportunities.

The budget is expected to be distributed in a balanced way in the territory of the country in order to implement the regional policy. The scope of the measure is the territory of the entire country. To do this, a methodology and criteria will be developed for the allocation of funds and for the prioritization of public and residential buildings. The criteria will be determined in conjunction with NAMRB and interested agencies in the course of structuring the requirements.

Standard applications will be prepared for all measurements. There will be a constructive and energetic examination when applying.

New home renovation programs are planned

The measures to be implemented in the public park of buildings, municipal and state property, including the town councils of the villages, will be implemented in association or independently by the municipalities and sector departments. A public call will be made with guidelines for them. 70% of the resources foreseen in the framework of the measure are allocated to public administrative buildings and 15% to cultural and sports infrastructure. Education, health and social infrastructure buildings are an element of financing through the relevant sectoral departments.

In the case of multi-family residential buildings, implementation of the current National Energy Efficiency Program is expected to continue, with particular attention to projects on hold at the Bulgarian Development Bank, as well as those on waiting lists. of the Operational Program “Growing Regions” 2014-2020.

There are more than 3,000 sites in the country, which will be subject to additional prioritization according to the criteria established by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. Additional information will be sought from the municipalities to prioritize buildings and formulate criteria.
Small, medium and large companies across the country will be able to apply for energy efficiency. It is expected that the predominance in terms of financing will be large companies, which have the largest number of buildings, as they will have the most significant contribution to reducing emissions.

In addition to new energy-saving lamps, replacement of cables, poles, and implementation of integrated intelligent control systems, video surveillance, security systems in populated areas, as well as wireless internet modules will be included in the replacement of public lighting.

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The objective is to increase the competitiveness of the economy by reducing the cost of production by reducing operating costs. The implementation of the measure will be a combination of a grant and co-financing determined by a financial analysis of future costs saved, it will give access to low-interest credit for the co-financing part.

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