They set my car on fire twice


A former employee of the system of the Ministry of the Interior of the Varna region said his concern that he had long been the target of a targeted attack that not only targeted intimidation, but also turned into indirect assassination attempts.

In a signal to our media, Ivan Stoyanov shared that apparently people from the criminal contingent are deliberately trying to make his life bitter. After each attack, he has alerted the police authorities, as well as the Prosecutor’s Office, which is verifying the signals sent by him, and has already ruled on others.

The 43-year-old man, who is also a former athlete, already has two stents in his heart due to the stress he experienced. The second arson of his personal car, parked in the courtyard of his home in Shkorpilovtsi, took place immediately after he left the hospital with the second stent placed in an artery in his heart. According to the former policeman, it is an indirect assassination attempt. It can also be considered as such the entry of strangers into your home, who could have caused an explosion and tragic consequences by dropping the contents into your gas cylinder.

Here is Ivan Stoyanov’s story in the first person about our media:

“My father left me a name that I want to keep clean and unblemished. So all I want is to have justice and legal retribution for what I went through.

It all started about three years ago, when my friend’s vacation home was robbed several times. At that time it was already outside the Interior Ministry system.

The mayor of Shkorpilovtsi was my classmate. I went to him because I knew that a group of 7-8 people was raging in the town, doing what they wanted with impunity, including stealing aggregates (sand).

I knew about this group, but didn’t deal with them until they got my friend in trouble. It was no longer my job to catch the bad guys, as I was not an active employee of the system. However, when the vacation base was stolen, I decided they couldn’t and shouldn’t be lost. First they stole laptops, equipment, the second time they even stole the shower taps, they stole everything they could sell.

I went to the mayor, who knew me very well, and I said: Listen, tell them they have a week to return the things they stole and I will forget what happened, as if it had not happened.

He replied, “Who am I to tell you such a thing? Even if they took something, they already sold it.”

After seeing that things were not going to go well, I contacted colleagues at the CDCOC. Seven months later, there was a specialized police operation of the CDCOC and many of the members of this group were arrested for the production and distribution of drugs, marijuana in particular.

In one they found a scale, in another cocaine, in a third money. They are also relatives of the majority. It is therefore worrying that, according to the prosecution, at a later stage, it was not an organized criminal group. These people remained in the specialized remand prison in Sofia for about seven to eight months, but were released. From what I understand, there was no data on the Organized Crime Group (OCG). I admit I was surprised.

Before that, unidentified people had come into my house, they had let the gas out and when I lit a cigarette on my behalf, it would have exploded if I hadn’t noticed. Isn’t this an indirect assassination attempt? They unscrewed the bolts on my car, for a year I found my car permanently unlocked, I found a severed sheep’s head next to the driver’s door.

The first arson of my car was on May 1, 2019. After 8 months, the second. The day before my car caught fire the second time, I left the hospital with a second stent in an artery in my heart. In this sense, this next attack can be considered a second assassination attempt, indirectly. I poured the glass and decided that I wanted to make it public, after they published my obituary in the town and spread it on social networks, and the Prosecutor’s Office came out with the opinion that “they were joking.”

A friend of mine called me, saw the obituary posted on the internet, Facebook. The boy who freed him was lying in Brazil for drugs. An uneducated boy. What is the connection to the other people mentioned above, of whom I suspect there are suspicions of encroachment on me and my personal property, I can only guess.

After alerting the police and the prosecutor’s office, the boy said that he had seen my obituary posted in a shop in the village, found it interesting, took a photo and posted it on Facebook.

That was a joke. The interesting question is who published my obituary in the store? There are no cameras in town. I spoke with the mayor of the municipality, she is familiar with the story, she wanted cameras to be installed at the entrance and exit of the town, to see who enters and leaves, after all various criminal things are happening …

It was a very expensive pleasure – 2 thousand leva … Can you imagine? And everywhere we are touting how we will fight domestic crime with video surveillance in small towns!

After the second arson, the interrogator asked me if I had any questions and I pointed out the main suspects.

There are videos taken from the cameras of the neighbors’ house. The record is with the police. I, through my lawyer, wanted this recording to be disseminated in the media, in the hope that in this way we would help to catch the perpetrator. Once we identify the perpetrator, we are expected to reach the guarantor. Logically, right? But surprise, they didn’t allow it! Nova TV journalist Marin Nikolov asked and requested the recording officially, he was also denied.

The other interesting question I raised is the systematic theft over years of aggregates from a forest quarry. There is no ranger, how come you haven’t seen something bad happen for so long? Are there not policemen who, when a signal is given, have to review the case? Isn’t there a prosecution that also conducts an investigation when a report is filed, and is there one? They couldn’t catch the perpetrators, I got it in response …

I am not afraid, I have no problem with death, even if it sounds stupid. You ask where my health problems come from? Stress, tension … A massive heart attack is not the result of a quiet life and excessive happiness. I am what I am and I will not change. I will try to do good things to the best of my ability.

What bothers me is that government employees don’t do their jobs. It turns out that the man has no protection. People who steal, break into someone else’s home, set cars on fire, post living obituaries, go unpunished.

Recently, through my lawyer, I requested a meeting with District Attorney Krassimir Konov. The man welcomed us, listened to me and I think he took things seriously. He called a ward who is familiar with the illegal career case.

As I have already emphasized, this race takes a long time, it is in the forest fund, it is absurd to have a permit there. To create a tai quarry the forest is cut down, then dug up, it cannot remain hidden.

Recently, one of these criminals wrote to my friend, and then erased what was written, we immediately filed a complaint with the police because it is not clear what he wanted to tell her.

At the same time, two of these people requested a meeting with me. I asked the head of the Fourth Regional Police Department to monitor the meeting, because anything can happen during such a meeting. The prosecutor in the case refused after five days of procrastination.

I want justice! Leave me, what God has said will happen! I want honest and respectable people not to be afraid! When they see that someone is stealing and they go to the police to identify the thief, to catch him. At this moment there is a great lack of justice in this country … They are taking actions in the line of internal crime, two or three small fish have been caught.

I want the institutions to do their job, those to whom we pay salaries, to do their job, that’s what I want! The truth is that those who work are crushed. There are honest people in the system, but they have loans, they have families … children … Callan not to stay on the streets and lose their homes.

That’s why I want justice, I want everyone to get what they deserve! Nothing more! And I think that day will come! But for that we all need to roll up our sleeves and put our house in order. Together! As a cohesive civil society that shows no tolerance for any type of crime and violation of human rights and freedoms! Because we are all to blame for everything that happens! Our silence makes us accomplices. As sad as it sounds. “

Varna, Bulgaria
