They revealed what is really in Bulgarian sausages.



Only 1 to 15% of pure meat is found in different brands of sausages, a microscopic analysis of one of the most purchased foods showed.

The experiment was conducted by MU-Sofia Pathology, a Facebook page of pathology students at the Sofia Medical University, and it quickly became one of the most shared and commented posts on the Web.

“My son loves sausages. I decided to see what is really in them” – begins his story in pictures a member of the group MU-Sofia Pathology. Among the findings in the short-lived sausage, in addition to 1 to 15% meat, under the microscope are visible adipose tissue, cartilage, skin, parts of arteries, nerve fibers, seeds and plant cells, large areas of fat and water , proteins of unknown origin.

After the young pathologists experiment became a success on the social network, bTV asked its author for an interview, but he refused to appear on camera. However, he emphasized that it is a morphological study, which in itself is not enough to evaluate the nutritional value of sausages, it needs both chemical and toxicological.

According to long-term producer Teodor Yankov, pork sausages often use chicken pratt, chicken skins, as well as trimmings and substitutes: “In some sausages there should be mainly and only perhaps more than 95-97%, I emphasize, meat Bulgarian spices and possibly the standard preservatives allowed. In no way should any type of emulsion be present in the sausages, no milk fiber or protein should be used. ” Yankov calls for a law that distinguishes between commercial sausages, which are made entirely of meat, and imitation products.

According to Prof. Dr. Stefan Dragoev – corresponding member of BAS and professor at the University of Food Technology in Plovdiv, it is natural in the homogeneous mixture of sausages to find such particles. He explained that the leftover skin, for example, did not mean the sausage was not meat. The professor assures that these products are not dangerous for our health: “The bacon that is used is from steamed pigs. They are obtained through the skins. With such large volumes, the skin particles can always remain in the fatty raw materials used. For me, this is speculation, “he commented.

Sausages are the most widely consumed sausages in Bulgaria. According to industry data, between 80 and 120 tons are sold per day. Its price varies between BGN 4 and 9 per kilogram.
