They released crimes: a scarecrow in prison


Crime hero Vidin from underground Blagoy Chakarov – Chakra was released from prison ahead of schedule, BLIC has learned.

He was serving a long sentence for murder. He was considered close to the legendary Zemun clan, but later damaged relations with the Serbian group.

Chakarov was last imprisoned in Kremikovtzi. There he enjoyed the greatest privileges. He worked in the official administration parking lot, in charge of parking and raising the barrier at the prison dormitory checkpoint.

Chakarov is one of the famous crime heroes of the recent past.

Here is part of its history.

On May 26, 2005, Ivan Ivanov, the driver of one of the largest oil companies in the country, was shot dead. Another person was present at the crime scene, Chakra’s close friend, Slav Kamenov, who became a prosecutor’s witness.

Chakra’s name has been linked to one of the drug bosses who control heroin trafficking from Turkey to Western Europe. We met Blagoy Chakarov in Vratsa prison, where he was elected mayor of the prisoners. For the first time, Chakra recounted where he negotiated heroin trafficking and his connections to the legendary Zemun clan.

Blagoy Chakarov’s star rises in high school. Her mother is a native of the Vidin village of Rabrovo and her father is from Kardzhali. Chakra was born in Kardzhali, graduated from the city sports school with a canoe and kayak profile. The young hope in sports meets Ivo Karamanski. The alleged godfather of the Bulgarian mafia runs a restaurant opposite the block where Chakra lives.

Karamanski himself is also a kayaker. Chakra befriends Misho Zar Manol’s son, nicknamed Monkata. After the separation between his mother and father, the Vidin period of Chakra life began.

August 15, 1999 The Norwegian Aare Solnheim stayed in the Asparuhovo district of Varna. Blagoy Chakarov, 22 at the time, was in town with his acquaintance Konstantin Drumev. The two struck up a conversation with the Norwegian and offered him Dimitrinka Kaneva as a prostitute. She poured “Parkisan” into her drink and when the Norwegian fell asleep, the three of them took diamonds and clothes totaling BGN 18,000.

January 26, 2001 During an inspection of Blagoy Chakarov’s car, 76 counterfeit BGN 20 notes were found. Four years later, the prosecution states that Chakra asked his men to sell them at Vidin stores. From that moment on, Chakra began to conquer the territories of the local bandits.

He is trying to enter the drug trafficking and cigarette smuggling business.

Since his mother’s hometown is on the border, he has contacts with Serbs. Life also meets him with representatives of the legendary Zemun clan. Serbian thugs in the glittering Zemun district have become world famous after planning to assassinate Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic in 2003.

The Zemun clan’s interests in the underworld extend to almost every sphere. They also have a channel for heroin trafficking through the Bulgarian-Serbian border.

Chakra says that in October 2012 in Alicante, Luka Bojovic’s wife, Barbara, her brother Nikola and 20 other members of the Zemun clan were arrested on property adjacent to his ex-wife’s property. A few months later, Nikola was shot dead in Belgrade. Luka Bojovic is currently considered the head of the Zemun clan.
After Judge Pleven’s murder, a specialized operation was launched to stop the group around Blagoy Chakarov – Chakra. The end of his criminal career came when a driver from one of the largest oil companies was shot dead. Chakra has claimed for 10 years that he was wrongfully convicted and accuses local prosecutors and police of having locked him up.

The murder was announced as part of Chakra’s desire to completely conquer the drug market in Vidin.

Ivan Ivanov was assassinated. He was shot in a garage on a Vidin street. The weapon was never found. Slav Kamenov is at the crime scene. Later he became a tax witness. During his interrogations, Slav Kamenov said that he was extremely drunk, tripped on the sidewalk, and the pistol he was carrying fell and exploded. Chakra was spectacularly arrested.

During the crime scene inspection, the police did not find a gun or cartridge case at the crime scene. Chakra claims that no traces of gunpowder were found on the swabs taken from him. However, Vidin’s prosecutor Vladislav Vlashev blames his sentence.

Vidin / Bulgaria
