They prepare digital necklaces for people: opinions, accents and comments on hot topics


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Comment from Vladimir Prokhvatilov, [email protected]

On 10 December 2020, the press secretary of the President of the European Council, Barend Leits, stated that the need to create a single certificate of vaccination against COVID-19 for the countries of the European Union was announced at the EU summit. : safety, as long as the whole world does not have access to the vaccine and therefore the EU and its Member States have the responsibility and interest to provide the vaccine everywhere. “(In fact, it is worded as follows : “A coordinated approach should also be developed for vaccination certificates”, Section II, COVID-19, item 7).

The regional director of the World Health Organization (WHO), Hans Kluge, presented the thesis of mass vaccination, which should become a “global public good”. We are talking about the American vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, as well as the British vaccines from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford.

The CNBC television channel, funded by the United States, announces that these vaccines are safe and highly effective in preventing COVID-19. It should be noted that all of the co-owners of CNBC, the world’s largest investment funds Vanguard Group, Fidelity, Black Rock, as well as financial giants such as Morgan Stanley Investment Management, are shareholders of Pfizer, Moderna and the Anglo-Swedish company AstraZeneca.

The world pharmaceutical market is an example of an oligopolistic market. A small number of the major players, the drug companies united in a conditional cartel called Big Pharma, have great influence. The ten largest leaders in the global pharmaceutical industry have long held a market share that together exceeds one-third of the total global pharmaceutical market.

The ten largest pharmaceutical corporations (Big Pharma) – Pfizer, Roche, Novartis, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, AbbVie, Sanofi, Bristol-Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca – are managed by the US investment funds Vanguard Group, Fide and others operating with tens of trillions of dollars.

Here interests are closely intertwined. Vanguard Group and other US funds control, for example, Microsoft through equity participation, and Black Rock is a strategic partner of Bill Gates, the world leader in vaccination. It is well known that Bill Gates closely monitors the WHO.

In recent years, Big Pharma leaders have started to lose their dominance in the global marketplace. For the period 2011-2014, Pfizer’s annual revenue decreased from $ 57.7 to $ 45.7 billion, followed by Novartis – a decrease in revenue from $ 51.9 to $ 47.1 billion for the same period, Merck – from $ 41.3 to $ 36 billion, Sanofi – from $ 39.9 to $ 36.4 billion, etc.

In 2014, analytics firm Evaluate Pharma published a report stating that Big Pharma will face increasing competition from biotech companies and by 2020 the Big 10 Big Pharma will be updated. The distribution of market shares will also change. Six years ago, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, and AstraZeneca were predicted to lose ground in 2020.

Analysts at Evaluate Pharma also predicted that between 2013 and 2020, only four companies will be able to increase their annual financial performance by 8% or more and only one of them will be a representative of Big Pharma: this is Bristol-Myers Squibb, t. .е. Big Pharma is starting to lose ground.

However, the coronavirus operation planned by Big Pharma leaders reversed the market trend. The leaders of the global pharmaceutical industry are back at the top. In addition, they now claim to continue to dominate.

That’s why Big Pharma and the Western media that serve it fuel fear of the coronavirus. Practically in the year, the total number of coronavirus cases amounts to 1% of the world population, and the mortality rate is 2.2% of all cases. These are the common indicators of seasonal SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome). This reality is ignored. And for people to accept vaccination and, as we wrote, with frankly harsh and untested vaccines, obedience is first instilled in them, using the instilled fear of the coronavirus.

The European Union is just one conduit for the Rockefeller Foundation’s “fruitful debut idea”, with whose money the “Pandemic Sustainability Roadmap” was developed at Harvard University, presented in April 2020. It is a sort of an operational plan by International Financial International to lock people “for their own safety” in a “temporary holding cell”, which, as Professor Valentin Katasonov points out, “may be permanent.”

What is the end goal of this ambitious plan called The Great Reboot of the founder and leader of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab?

In July 2020, his book “Covid-19: The Great Reset” was published, co-authored with French futurist Thierry Malreux. In fact, it proposes a program of global dictatorship in the interest of transnational companies.

This project was first announced in 2016 under the name “Global Redesign Initiative”. It was born in the bowels of the World Economic Forum, a multi-million dollar club that has worked for many years to transform social capitalism into “stakeholder” capitalism, that is. create a system in which global corporations, in addition to strictly economic activities, actively intervene in political and social affairs.

Schwab affirms that there will be no return to the ancestral world: “Many people ask: when will we return to normal life? The short answer is never.” Schwab urges politicians not to loosen restrictions, not to lift the quarantine, regardless of the resistance they face. According to Schwab, doubting the benefits of isolation is suicide and a form of social Darwinism. He sees the pandemic as an incredible “window of opportunity.” “For the complete transformation of the world advocated by the World Economic Forum.

The Great Reconstruction is, in fact, a world war for the global transfer of power and property to a narrow circle of financial oligarchs. Schwab does not hide the fact that in his “wonderful new world” there is no place for a nation-state: “If democracy and globalization spread, then there will be no place for the nation-state.”

To build a global digital concentration camp, you need the right tools. They are already working on that. The World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation are actively promoting the CommonPass global digital travel passport – they want the digital passport to be mandatory at all border crossings. It will be used for concerts, football matches and other events. This is also part of the Great Reconstruction.

Rockefeller’s roadmap includes comprehensive testing, tracking the contacts of people infected with coronavirus, including asymptomatic ones, using mobile apps that send alerts to offenders, that is. this is the introduction of immune passports.

A test site for these digital collars (immune passports) could become the UK. By order of the government of Boris Johnson, one of the supporters of the Great Reconstruction, a phone app is being developed that will allow people who test negative for COVID-19 to visit various places, including schools and restaurants. According to the Daily Mail, two British companies have received government contracts to develop this application. The contracts provide for the creation of an opportunity through which a person receives a QR code on their smartphone. It must be linked to a digital passport, which is the “Daily Mail”.

After the COVID-19 test, the person’s information will be updated at a checkpoint and when they want to go to a restaurant, they will be able to present their QR code as proof that they are not infected. The owners of this establishment can deny access to those who do not have such evidence.

Traveling citizens will also wear digital necklaces. To this end, the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation have launched a Common Trust Network.

Immune passports are supposed to be introduced after a mass vaccination. Since all vaccines work for a limited period of time, vaccinations and obtaining immune passports will become a permanent attribute of life according to the apologists’ concept of the “wonderful new world.”

Translation of “Voices”: Gergin Gerginov

