They pointed out the most harmful and often consumed foods in Bulgaria



What are the most harmful and most consumed foods in Bulgaria? If you exclude them from your menu for at least a month, you will achieve a surprising result in the condition and weight of your body, advises “Monitor”.

Here are the top 15

1. The sausages they are among the most harmful products. There are no meat sausages. It is a combination of animal waste (IOM – ground organs and fat), soy, bacon and water, and the meat usually contains less than 20%. In them there are also bone remains. This includes all short-lived sausages with a price per kilogram of less than BGN 10. Sausages of this type also contain many harmful additives to the body: preservatives, colors, flavors, thickeners and more.

two. Mayonnaise – The French specialty is good, but only because it is homemade. If you’ve ever read the label on mayonnaise, the only natural ingredient is sunflower oil. High content of preservatives, starches, etc.

3. Drinks without alcohol – All carbonated soft drinks are especially harmful. Most of the excess weight and various gastritis, colitis are created by its consumption. Preference is given to those containing sugar or corn glucose syrup, but not artificial substitutes. Throw them off your menu. If you can’t, replace them with natural juices.

Four. White sugar / artificial sweeteners – White sugar is the shortest way to gain weight. The oldest people in the world, the Japanese, consume almost no white sugar. Use substitutes of natural origin: stevia, fructose, honey, inulin. Most artificial sweeteners have been found to be carcinogenic.

5. French fries / potato chips – Chips is the so-called calorie bomb, which does nothing but harm the body. These foods do not provide anything good for the body, but they absorb a lot of fat, which increases their caloric content up to 10-12 times. If you eat potatoes, they are better cooked or baked. 100 g of boiled or cooked potatoes have an average of 50-90 calories / 100 g. potato chips. – 550 cal.

6. Bacon / lard – The body of a young person, up to 20 years old, can fight fat, but after this age it turns into tons of cholesterol, clogged arteries and obesity. Extremely harmful are products that contain hidden lard and bacon: hot dogs, salami, hot dogs, pate, and more. Lard is only recommended for high temperature heat treatment. It then remains stable and does not break down to carcinogens. Caution: olive oil so useful at high temperatures releases strong carcinogens and can cause cancer. Use only at room temperature, eg. Eg for salads.

7. Margarine – the content of a margarine is – hydrogenated vegetable oil, colors and flavorings. Let’s define what hydrogenated vegetable oil is: vegetable oil with added hydroxyl molecules, which can be made from a liquid solid at temperatures up to 42 degrees. What happens then? The oil sticks to the inside of the stomach and intestines and there these hydrogen molecules are released (and they are themselves a strong carcinogen). And when you have a hot drink and stomach fat starts to melt? Then they pass into your blood. Once the hot drink has done its job and the fat has passed into the bloodstream, it hardens again. Let’s not forget that the body temperature is 37 degrees and they melt at 40-42 degrees. What happens next? The hardened plaques begin to move in the bloodstream and adhere to the inside of the blood vessels. So you can guess that on a nice sunny day, one of the vessels becomes clogged and a person suffers a heart attack or stroke.

8. Waffles / cakes / croissants and the like – Contains: sugar, hydrogenated vegetable oil and of course some other “useful” substances called E468, E652, etc. Chocolate should also be used, if the package says: Contains vegetable fat in addition to cocoa butter, remember immediately – these are the same hydrogenated vegetable oils.

9. Crown – chopped slaughterhouse waste, bacon, skins, bones, etc. All of this duly colored and flavored to make it tasty and tempting. Note: fat content: 50-70%. You can guess what this is. The moment it enters the body, it begins to damage.

10. Ketchup – content: sugar, water, starch, citric or tartaric acid and tomato paste. In this case, the tomato puree has something last, simply because it is in the minimum amount on the list, 5-10% / maximum 17%. And if they forgot to add the tomato paste, the surprise is complete: carmine (red) dye classified as dangerous to health. A hundred times better spread your slice with tomato sauce from your grandmother’s garden. The rest is chemistry.

eleven. Solets, crackers, sticks… – the content of harmful substances in them is not so high, except for one – table salt. Extremely high salt content. And it leads to high blood pressure, etc. By eating these products, you can take more than 10 times more salt than normal.

12. Quick snacks – white flour, sugar, hot dogs, meatless hot dogs – a huge calorie bomb that gives your body: toxins, cholesterol, bad carbohydrates, etc. etc.

13. Instant drinks:

First of all, steppes.

Second, all the broths.

Third: instant teas, puddings, creams and drinks.

All three contain 100% artificial ingredients.

14. Smoked meats / fish / sausages – extremely carcinogenic. According to scientists, the reason is the nitrites contained in smoked meats, which in the middle of the stomach contents are converted into nitrosamines, the real mischief. Avoid them. When vegetables are fertilized more than normal, they contain nitrates, which under the action of oxygen are converted to nitrites and in the body to nitrosamines. Fortunately, the amount here is much less, and soaking them in water for half an hour will remove them!

fifteen. Foods that contain the ingredient MONONATRIUM GULTAMATE – greatly improves the taste of any food. It is present in many manufactures and semi-finished products in order to significantly improve their flavor (broths, vegetables, cold cuts, etc.). Monosodium gultamate is a strong neuro-poison that blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. Frequent consumption of such foods leads to a large accumulation of the substance in the body and serious consequences.
