They offer a full three-week lockdown in Blagoevgrad


The newly created Commission to Fight COVID-19 in the Blagoevgrad City Council wants a three-week shutdown in the district. However, the proposal encountered strong opposition from both local authorities and city businesses.

The main promoter of the proposal for a three-week lockdown in Blagoevgrad is the surgeon at the city’s private hospital, Dr. Teodor Velchev. He has already been through the coronavirus himself, but has witnessed his colleagues in the rooms get infected en masse.

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“My motives are based on what is reported in the media and what we see happening in the city; we are always at the top of the list by number of infected. We do not fall below 200 people a day “, said.

According to Dr. Velchev, it is currently vital to give a breath of fresh air to the health system in Blagoevgrad, because the infection rate is too high. “So that the number of infected people goes down, so that the medical teams can get some air, as well as the people themselves, because let’s not forget that the New Year and Christmas are coming and it is not known what the situation will be,” he said.

Due to the proposed closure, Blagoevgrad Mayor Rumen Tomov called an emergency briefing and said the situation was not that difficult. Therefore, according to him, drastic measures are not necessary.

“Looking statistically at the number of positive samples as a population, if you do this analysis, you will see that things are not so tragic. Any decision that is exaggerated, unfounded and unfounded, as an algorithm, would have irreparable consequences for the municipality of Blagoevgrad, “he said.

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The restaurant owners strongly opposed the closure of Blagoevgrad. “When a business of this type is closed, especially in our sector, it has much greater consequences; here we are talking, for example, of food products that are left in warehouses, everything is thrown away and then it has to be reloaded,” he said. Vasil Dimitrov. who owns a restaurant.

Mayor Tomov was skeptical about another of the COVID-19 Commission’s proposals, namely to differentiate COVID taxis in Blagoevgrad. “If a taxi driver finds me who wants to drive to Sofia-sick with COVID, give me a call – we will” Man of the Year, “he said.

Whether the proposal to close Blagoevgrad for 3 weeks will be accepted will be clear next Wednesday, when the city’s Crisis Headquarters meets.


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