They launch a unique protocol for the treatment of COVID-19


Health Minister Kostadin Angelov STAFF: BNT

It has been prepared on the basis of the Bulgarian experience so far.

Today a single protocol for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 will be sent to all hospitals in the country. It has been developed by the hospitals with the most experience in treating patients with coronavirus. This was announced by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, at the briefing of the Council of Ministers today.

Until now, each medical institution has worked according to the protocols that are available in the world and in Europe, Angelov said, but the current one is based on the Bulgarian experience of our doctors. This is the reason why it was published so late, that is, to prepare such a protocol, time is needed to see the effect of the treatment of coronavirus patients, to track it over time, to perform imaging studies, A breathing study should be done to see what the long-lasting results of treatment are and to prepare a national algorithm, Angelov explained.

Both remdesivir and chloroquine are included in the protocol, added the health minister.

“We do not have a specific drug for the treatment of COVID. We hope that it will be discovered soon, as we hope that the European Commission will successfully complete the negotiation of vaccines and in April they will be here for Bulgarian citizens who want to be vaccinated voluntarily,” said the Prof. Angeles
