They decide if the students will return to class tomorrow.


At the moment, it is only clear that with 20% sick students, the entire school will be closed

Today it should be clear whether high school students will return to classrooms from tomorrow. Currently, high school students study online, but the order expires on November 12. Health Minister Prof. Dr. Kostadin Angelov said that the decision to return the students has not yet been made because there is no consensus on the issue.

IN SCHOOL OR NOT: Without clarity for high school students, districts will decide for themselves (SUMMARY)

At the moment, it is only clear that with 20% sick students, the entire school will be closed. The idea is that the decision should not be made by the state, but should be made in accordance with the development of the virus and the situation in individual settlements.

Students from 6th to 12th grade in Plovdiv will study remotely

Some of the regional headquarters in the country have already extended the online training period. According to NOVA, a meeting of Sofia’s crisis staff will be held today.

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