They are preparing a protest against mink farms – they want Borisov to close them due to the coronavirus – ᐉ Bulgaria News • latest news and current information


Several animal protection NGOs are preparing a protest in front of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday morning during a government meeting. Among them are “Wild animals”, “Together for animals – Bulgaria”, “Civil initiative to ban the extraction of valuable fur in Bulgaria”, SAY and “To you with nature”.

The protesters came out demanding the closure of mink farms in our country, as happened in some Scandinavian countries, after it was found that these animals carry a mutated strain of the coronavirus.

They will also deliver an open letter addressed to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and the government. A copy of the letter is also sent to the President and the Ombudsman.

“This open letter is presented by organizations, civic organizations and other legal and natural persons united in their outrage at the lack of an adequate state policy to prevent the risk of spread of COVID-19 from mink farms and ensure the highest degree of safety and health of Bulgarian citizens, “write the organizers of the protest.

They recall that inclusion in the second priority group for the vaccination of mink farm workers in our country shows that the authors of the national vaccination plan coincide with the fact that mink farms are too risky.

“We found that the high-risk assessment given by the task force is largely in line with alarming information coming from more and more countries in Europe and the world, where there are increasing cases of Sars-CoV-2 minks. positives in fur farms “. Currently, these confirmed cases are found in the countries: Denmark, Poland, the Netherlands, France, Greece, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Lithuania and the United States.

In Ireland and Hungary, steps have been taken to permanently ban mink farms due to the risk to human health. Denmark and the Netherlands have taken unprecedented steps to close farms. More than 20 million minks, on thousands of farms, have been killed in Europe in the last two months just to prevent the risk of infection, “the protest organizers wrote in the letter.

The organizations also ask whether the relocation of mink farms in Bulgaria, which are already closed in the listed European countries, are being prepared.

“Who can guarantee that a mutated strain from mink farms will not spread throughout the country and how is vaccination expected to counter that scenario? Are the competent authorities prepared to take responsibility for the presence of a mutated strain in the population that does not respond to vaccines and has an unclear clinical picture? “are part of the questions raised in the open letter.

“We urge the state to take full responsibility by assuring Bulgarian citizens that it will prevent outbreaks of possible new mutations in the Sars-CoV-2 virus in mink farms. We urge the state to ensure the health and safety of its citizens by banning the creation of new mink farms in the country ”, write the organizers of the protest, who keep their letter open to be considered at the meeting of the Council of Ministers this Wednesday.

