There will be no closure of schools and checkpoints, said the Minister of Health – Health


There will be no closure of schools and checkpoints, said the Health Minister.

© Nadezhda Chipeva, Capital

Schools will not be closed, checkpoints will not be installed, measures will not be approved, at this moment the situation is under control, there is no health crisis. This was repeated to BV by Health Minister Kostadin Angelov. “Bulgaria is ranked 26th out of 29 countries, the situation is absolutely under control and people can be calm. At the moment, increasing the number of patients is not a problem, it takes two weeks to draw a conclusion,” he explained. He described the return of checkpoints and school closings in late October as rumors. The measures will remain the same until such time as this is not necessary, Angelov stressed.

“We not only monitor the number of patients, we also monitor the number of free beds in hospitals, we monitor the number of deaths, the number of patients in risk groups and how the cases are located, in groups or diffusely. We control all of them. these data and currently we do not need to expand the measures, “he explained.

According to him, the number of people admitted to the hospital in the last two months has not changed: they are about 750 and about 45-50 in intensive care units.

He recalled the measures that people must follow: distance, disinfection, discipline and protective equipment.

Kostadin Angelov replaces Ventsislav Mutafchiiski at briefings

The briefings of the National Operational Headquarters will be every Thursday in the Council of Ministers, will be led by the Minister of Health, and the director of the National Operational Headquarters Ventsislav Mutafchiiski will replace him when necessary, Angelov announced. According to him, the purpose of returning the reports to headquarters is to inform the public and avoid false news. The information sessions will be on Thursdays from 10 or 10:30, and journalists will be allowed to enter the room.

MPs must wear masks

The masks should be worn in the National Assembly, the rules apply to everyone and anyone who violates them will be sanctioned, the minister said. According to him, MPs should wear masks to set an example to the people who look at them. Angelov announced that BSP members would be fined for not wearing masks after the party’s demonstration over the weekend, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov after his visit to Lovech and Tsvetan Tsvetanov’s party representatives who did not wear masks when established.

No drug machines according to the Ministry of Health

The investment plan for devices for the sale of drugs was withdrawn according to the opinion of experts from the Ministry of Health, Angelov said. It cannot be done because only over-the-counter pain relievers and antipyretics can be sold, the minister explained. A few days ago, the Council of Ministers voted to provide financing to the company “Pos Pharma” for vending machines for prescription drugs in some 1,000 villages.

“The investment project itself must create new jobs, but the sale of drugs cannot be synchronized with our legislation. Also, there was a hint from colleagues that there is some kind of opacity and people have this impression, and there was no opacity. “No changes have been made in the law in favor of this plan. The idea of ​​this project is to generate employment. In the end, the company withdrew its project due to the opinion of the Ministry of Health,” said the minister. He added that the Council of Ministers reversed its decision to approve the project, after which it was withdrawn.

According to Capital, a former MP Veselin Mareshki (Volia) employee is behind the project, and a minority partner is linked to MRF’s Yordan Tsonev.
