There are no medical errors in the death of the graduate with COVID in Veliko Tarnovo (Obzor)


– Hristo Denev has not been treated with an unauthorized drug, medical supervision is categorical

– “Being in the morgue refrigerator with a severed skull” is another threat from the father to the head of the hospital Dr. Stefan Filev

The director of the Veliko Tarnovo regional hospital, Dr. Stefan Filev, announced the results of the inspection.

The director of the Veliko Tarnovo regional hospital, Dr. Stefan Filev, announced the results of the inspection. PHOTO: Dima Maksimova

Doctors at the Dr. Stefan Cherkezov Hospital in Veliko Tarnovo found no violations, who participated in the process of diagnosis and treatment of Hristo Denev, a COVID-19 graduate who died on July 31.

This is the conclusion of a commission of the Executive Agency for Medical Supervision headed by Prof. Vladimir Pilosof, which carried out an inspection at the health institution after the death of the young man. The audit was requested by the management of the regional hospital, after the father of the deceased child, lawyer Ivan Denev,

in public

blame the doctors,

who are guilty

about the death of Christ and experimented on his son.

The on-site inspection report at the hospital between August 11 and 14 was delayed for two and a half months due to the participation of external experts, including the head of the Medical Council of Experts for the Control of Coronavirus, Prof. Kosta Kostov, the virologist Prof. Radka Argirova, the infectious disease specialist Prof. Tanya Chervenyakova, Prof. Nikolay Mladenov.

“There are no violations by medical personnel and no reason to suppose that the actions of the treatment teams and the diagnosis and treatment plan carried out may be related to the fatal outcome. It occurred as a result of the severe and unfavorable course of tissue and vascular damage in the lungs and the cytokine storm, which developed in the context of

risk factor


and a fatal thromboembolic process with terminal pulmonary and cerebral edema ”, is Prof. Kostov’s final comment, supported by the opinions of his colleagues.

The report’s findings refute the father’s accusations that Hristo is the victim of a nosocomial infection and even that his organs were removed, the director of the regional hospital Dr. Stefan Filev announced at a press conference.

It became clear that the graduate entered the specialized department on July 13 with a positive PCR, fever, and pneumonia. Upon admission, he was assisted with oxygen. Eight days later, the young man was transferred to the intensive care unit as his condition deteriorated critically. After 10 days of fighting for his life, the boy died.

The inspection found that the diagnosis was made in a timely manner, the treatment was adequate, and death occurred due to concomitant factors. In addition to obesity, Hristo was admitted with liver damage, high blood pressure, a severe headache and dizziness after a workout at the gym, according to testimony from his personal physician, Dr. Tanya Vitanova.

A sudden examination under the supervision of an investigator from the National Investigation Service in the intensive care unit did not establish the presence of nosocomial infection.

Hristo was treated with 7 antibiotics from the onset of symptoms until his death, and the drug RoActemra was applied, which according to the lawyer Denev is in the third experimental phase and is not allowed. It became clear that after a clinical discussion on July 21, a commission of doctors decided to include RoActemra in the treatment according to the Protocol for the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia of the Ministry of Health as of March 9, 2020. ” drug was registered in Bulgaria in 2009. experimental drug and is used to control severe cytokine syndrome, “explained Dr. Sibila Marinova, director of OAIL. However, the child has not signed any statement of informed consent.

“Hristo was an adult and adequate to the point of investigation, he was constantly being explained what was happening to him. He was extremely cooperative and constantly appreciative. I cannot send a document to COVID patients to sign and then export, there is no way a sheet of paper can be disinfected, ”explained Dr. Marinova.

He also explained that the drug was available at the hospital pharmacy because it was purchased on March 23 for the treatment of the first coronavirus patient in Veliko Tarnovo, Dr. Viktor Tochkov. However, his condition improved and he did not have to apply.

“Hristo’s father, attorney Denev, was constantly calling me during working hours and outside of working hours. He also received information at the entrance to the intensive care unit. At his request, I discussed the treatment with consultants from Sofia and Pleven All the time, Hristo was adequate, except on the last day of his life. I told his father that

your son is in


Heavy condition

and is in danger of dying. I said it directly, without hesitation, “said Dr. Marinova.” We all take care of this child as our son. We were all amazed that we couldn’t save him ”, the head of the intensive care unit did not hide her emotion.

Dr. Stefan Filev said that after Hristo’s death, he called his father personally on the phone and explicitly asked him not to do an autopsy. “There are hard copies of phone calls as proof. Out of sympathy for the parents’ pain, I complied with their wishes and even in violation of the rules ordered the child to wear a suit. I even allowed relatives with the necessary protective clothing in pathology to see their son. After that, however, we were accused of being buried in a sack, his body cut up and organs taken for donation. This is not enough, but the threats against me and my family continue on social media, ”Dr. Filev said, showing prints that said“ being in the morgue refrigerator with a severed skull ”.
