The wife of a deceased with COVID-19 in Plovdiv: He was 20 minutes without oxygen on a platform between the floors of the hospital.


Two patients died after the chaos when they were admitted to the new COVID ward at Plovdiv University Hospital. Video, posted in our “My News” column, shows how men wait for accommodation, sitting on the stairs at the entrance to the health center.

One is breathing oxygen and the other is lying on the stairs. They stay between 30 and 40 minutes after the arrival of the ambulance. The men were referred from the Infectious Diseases Clinic to the Toxicology Clinic. The hospital has started an investigation into the case, and at 9 am there will be an extraordinary briefing from the medical institution.

COVID-19 patients abandoned on stairs in front of the hospital with oxygen masks (VIDEO)

In response to NOVA, they state that the reason for the delay in intake is unclear. It is also checked why patients are waiting in front instead of in the ambulance. Plovdiv District Governor Dani Kanazireva also ordered an investigation into the case.

One of the dead is from the town of Bresnik in Plovdiv. He was also 100% disabled on hemodialysis. Today the man had to celebrate his 62nd birthday. His wife Maria told him of the horror she experienced.

“He underwent surgery on October 28. They implanted an artificial artery in his leg. In the third hour of hemodialysis, he started taking an antibiotic. On November 11 he returned from dialysis. At 2:10 pm, I called 112 to send an ambulance because my husband had a fever. He was very tired, “she said.

The family waits 2 hours for an ambulance to arrive. During this time, Maria called the emergency number several times. During one of the calls, he was advised to go home because it was unclear when an ambulance would arrive. The woman organized her own transportation to medical establishments in Plovdiv.

“I called 112 again. I declined the request for an ambulance. We went to the Infectious Diseases Hospital. There was also a family with us with a small baby. I don’t know how long we waited. No one came out, no one answered. Then we headed to Pulmed, my husband stayed in the car and I went to the reception. I explained to him what my husband’s condition was and the woman at the reception told me that they had no place and that they could not accept him, “said Maria.

Then the family goes to the emergency room for surgery. The man was checked in at 5:29 p.m., but was not allowed into the office, and he and his wife remained at the front desk, where some of the patients had been waiting since morning.

“We were there until 7.30 pm, they didn’t accept it at all. They even asked me why I brought it. We came back home. The next day we contacted the family doctor, who advised us to continue with the antibiotic treatment. I saw that my husband was not well, he did not want to eat. On November 14 I took him to Kuklen, where they said it was for a hospital. We went to the Hospital for Infectious Diseases. Nobody got him out of the ambulance, nobody examined him. The doctor told us that we were not for them, “added Maria.

So the family keeps going to hospitals. The man was admitted only on the night of November 14 in the Department of Toxicology of the Higher Medical Institute. A few hours later, however, he was again referred to the Hospital for Infectious Diseases. There he had to climb the stairs to the third floor. He was tested for coronavirus, the results of which would be released in 3 days. Hours later, three patients were transferred from the Hospital for Infectious Diseases to the city’s COVID ward, where the family waited for 2 hours.

In front of the hospital entrance, the man is sitting with a bottle in which he runs out of oxygen. Maria, her husband and a doctor go up to the third floor of the building. On the platform between the floors, however, Mr. Gospodinov falls and cannot continue. There is no elevator, stretcher or wheelchair in the room. The man stays again. For 20 minutes no one answered or helped the family.

“After 20 minutes, my husband told me that he could no longer breathe. I ran out and asked for their help. His stay in the ward was also a maximum of 20 minutes. He just lay on the bed, they didn’t turn on the oxygen so that breathe. There are no X-rays. His signature was forged in two places, “said Maria.

Another drama takes place at the same location in Plovdiv. The victims say they had many obstacles. The patient had bilateral pneumonia and tested positive for COVID-19.

The University Hospital declined to comment, but sent an official letter to NOVA. He said there were probably culprits in the case and, if found, he would be fired.

The management of the medical institution verifies the actions of all medical people, says the hospital. Why the paramedic was delayed 40 minutes and why the oxygen in the bottle ran out are just some of the issues that management will address.

“This is an illustration of our wrong healthcare system from A to Z. Starting with Emergency Care, continuing with the lack of commitment from GPs, to the fact that there is no connection between ambulatory care and hospital care and the fact that everyone abdicates in a difficult time. There is no organization in the hospitals and the fact that the structures of COVID are revealed does not mean that those patients can be treated there. This is pseudomedicine. There is no there. enough oxygen, no resuscitators, ”commented medical law attorney Dr. Maria Petrova about the on-air case of“ Hello, Bulgaria ”.

He added that the culprits can be found in all links in the hierarchy of the medical system. “The dead must have an autopsy, because otherwise the first cause described will be taken,” added the lawyer.

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