The whole country is closed by a big nothing


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Slavi Trifonov used his personal Facebook page to extract curious statistics about the coronavirus epidemic in Bulgaria. According to him, the measures taken were, to put it mildly, exaggerated and caused unnecessary panic.

“They do not care about numbers in emotions. They do not understand out of fear, joy, love, they are just numbers. So, now, I will serve you some numbers and leave you emotions. According to NSI 2018 we were 7,000,039 in the year, so that now we are, I suppose, less, we can be more, hopefully, but to drive the exact numbers.

So, 7 000 039 people. We are like that. That’s what we live in Bulgaria. According to today’s crisis staff, the virus carriers are 611 people. I will help you and I will count for you. The percentage of virus carriers, relative to the total population of Bulgaria, is 0.00872852. I just want to point out that of these 611 people, the majority are not even sick, but are carriers of viruses.

Under Bulgarian law, it is considered an epidemic when there are 200 patients for every 10,000 people. This means that there should be 140,000 patients for every 7 million inhabitants. And they are 611. So the whole country is closed, it does not work, it does not work, people lose their jobs and are locked in their houses, they cannot walk in the parks and they are forced to observe the terrible findings and threats every day. of two generals. Why nothing! Excuse me, not for nothing, but for 0.00872852 percent. That’s what the numbers say, and I leave you the emotions “
