The virus begins to recede –


The coronavirus pandemic is beginning to recede, with infections falling in all parts of the world except the Middle East, the Daily Mail reported. WHO figures show that the number of new cases fell by 16% worldwide. last week to 2.7 million. For the fifth week in a row, infections have declined since they peaked at more than 5 million in the week ending January 3.

Infections fell the fastest in Africa and Australia (by 20%), followed by Europe (18%), the United States (16%) and Southeast Asia (13%).

The only region where cases increased during the week through February 14 is the one that includes the Middle East, parts of Central Asia and Northeast Africa. Cases there have increased by 7%.

WHO Director-General Tedros Gebreyesus said the global reduction shows that “simple public health measures work even in the presence of different strains of the virus.”

According to experts, the coronavirus may never go away, but it will turn into a minor nuisance.

“The virus, known as SARS-CoV-2, will simply turn into another animal in the zoo that will join the other infectious diseases that humanity has learned to live with,” predicts Dr. T. Jacob John, who studies viruses and has led India’s efforts to combat polio and AIDS.

According to Jenny Lavigne, a virologist at Emory University, after most people come into contact with the virus, either through vaccination or infection, the pathogen will continue to circulate, but will primarily cause a mild form of the disease, such as the common cold. .
