The vice president was vaccinated against COVID-19 – вини World News】 • current information, topics and news


US Vice President Mike Pence was vaccinated against COVID-19 on Friday morning at the White House in front of television cameras.

The purpose of this public release of the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine was to promote its safety and increase public confidence in its effectiveness, NBC and several other US outlets reported.

The Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine was also administered to his wife, Karen Pence, in the Eisenhower Executive Office building near the White House by a medical team at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

“I didn’t feel a thing. Well done,” Mike Pence said after the vaccine was injected into his left hand.

“Karen and I wanted to go ahead and get this vaccine to assure the American people that while we are cutting red tape, we are not in a rush,” he said.

“Thanks to the great work of the National Institutes of Health and the great and careful work of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the leadership of our president and Operation Warp Speed, the American people can rest assured that we have one, and maybe in a matter of hours, two safe and effective coronavirus vaccines for you and your family, “he said.

Speaking to reporters after the vaccination, Mike Pence said he believed this week would be remembered in history as “the beginning of the end for the coronavirus pandemic,” but warned that the country still has a long way to go in view of the large number of new infections and increasing hospitalizations.

Doctors advised Mr. and Mrs. Pence to return after 21 days for the second dose of vaccine and that they might feel some pain around the injection site.

The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, is expected to be vaccinated next week.

