The United States sues a Russian and two Bulgarians for banning the export of strategic technologies to Russia


In the United States raised charges against a Russian and two Bulgarians, which strategic technologies illegally exported from the United StatesReported Deutsche Welle. It is about buying and exporting in Russia without permission from the US government. integrated circuits, whose main application is in spacecraft, military equipment and medical electronics.

The names of the Bulgarians are Dimitar Dimitrov and Milan Dimitrov.

The accusations against the three – for illegal export and money laundering, they appeared on December 18 in a court in Austin, Texas.

“We see again and again the Russians’ desire to gain access to secret American technology. The defendants are accused of illegally exporting radiation resistant chips to Russia and the United States. start a business in Bulgaria in order to circumvent US law enforcement, “said Assistant Attorney General John Demers.

He said this was an obvious example of circumventing US export controls.

IN Press release The US Department of Justice explains that the Export Control Authority and the FBI have discovered a network for the illegal purchase of radiation resistant integrated circuits, which exported from the US by Russian companies via a fictitious Bulgarian company. The indictment alleges that Ilya Sabirov, a 48-year-old Russian citizen, Dimitar Dimitrov, a 70-year-old Bulgarian citizen, and Milan Dimitrov, a 46-year-old Bulgarian citizen, used the Bulgarian company for their illegal activities. EEOD Multitechnological Integration Group (MTIG).

Chiefs Sabirov eRussian companies: “Cosmos Complex” and “Sovtest Comp”, according to the indictment, it also controls MTIG. Dimitar Dimitrov and Milan Dimitrov worked for Sabirov in the companies “Cosmos Set” and MTIG.

According to the investigation, in 2014 the defendants were withhave met with a manufacturer of radiation resistant components in Austin and they were informed that these schemes could not be exported to Russia due to US trade restrictions. After that, Sabirov founded MTIG in Bulgaria. and has acquired such schemes. They were exported to Bulgaria in 2015 and then redirected from MTIG to Sabirov’s companies in Russia, so Sovtest Comp transferred more than $ 1 million to MTIG.

During the same period, MTIG, at Sabirov’s request, ordered other electronic components for more than $ 1.7 million, manufactured by another American company. They were also exported from the USA to Bulgaria, repackaged and re-exported to Russia, explains the US Department of Justice.

Late 2018 a representative of the US regulatory authority visited MTIGclarify if radiation resistant components remain in Bulgaria. Milan Dimitrov has denied exporting them for Russia.

The Russian and the two Bulgarians are from the people of for two counts of violating export control laws and one for money laundering. Besides Milan Dimitrov is accused of giving false testimony before the United States government. For each of the charges, they could face up to 20 years in prison.

In addition, the US Department of Commerce has listed the three defendants, the two Russian companies of Sabirov and MTIG. blacklisted.

In front of journalists from the Russian edition RBC Sabirov commented that he did not understand why he and his companies were involved. on the sanctions list. According to him, in 2014 cooperation with US companies was terminated due to the imposition of restrictions on the export of items used in spacecraft. It claims that its companies had the status of intermediaries for US strategic products and a license from the State Department to locate the production of radiation resistant chips for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Rosatom and Roscosmos. He did not explain why the scheme with a Bulgarian company was necessary if his activity was legal, as he claims.
