The unexpected wedding of Filipa Ivanova and BNT boss Ivaylo Ognyanov during COVID


On the last sunny Sunday, two days before autumn, the beautiful presenter of “Around the World and in Bulgaria” Filipa Ivanova married her beloved Ivaylo Ognyanov. Their wedding was on September 20, 2020, but the date was not chosen due to a specific search for the numbers 2 or 0; only newlyweds want their wedding to be on Sunday, and then according to Philip’s calendar, she has several consecutive days off.

Hours after the two swear before God, the good news about the wedding is published in the central program “Around the world and in our country.” And this is not surprising, not only is Filipa part of the public television team, but Ivaylo also works there, he is the program director of BNT 1. For many colleagues the news is a surprise: Filipa and Ivaylo never

do not advertise staff

your relationship in


But when the new Ognyanovi family returns to San Stefano 29 after a “honeymoon” vacation, they all greet them warmly and wish they would be very happy together.

Filipa and Ivailo have known each other for almost 15 years. Their first meeting is accidental: with a mutual friend over dinner. But they only get close 7-8 years later, after meeting again, already in the corridor of the second floor of BNT.

“At that time, neither of us was openly interested in the other. The truth is that over time we first became friends and then we rediscovered ourselves as partners,” says Philippa. The marriage proposal came a few years ago. Instead Favorite near Sofia, Ivaylo asks Filipa if she will marry him. She says yes, but there are no wedding plans, each of them is quite busy with their work. Last winter, Ivailo explained several times to his beloved that they would be married in the summer. But she has no idea how serious it is. While one day she has already chosen a hall for her wedding. It is her turn to set a date. “It happened at the end of July this year.

We organize

the wedding for a while

more than a month

We were lucky that the anti-epidemic measures weren’t tightened again at the last minute. “

In fact, the entire organization around the wedding and the subsequent celebration is in line with the pandemic. Filipa and Ivailo only invite their closest family and friends, and almost all the guests ask if there will be enough space between the restaurant tables.

The church wedding is in the Cathedral of Holy Sunday, and the ritual is performed by Father Nikolay Georgiev, who is also the head of the metropolitan church. “When welcoming guests, we do not hug or kiss or those closest to us. Weird feeling. Even on this holiday, full of delicious emotions, you cannot physically express it to the people you have chosen to be with you. Before the event, we even bought masks to give to concerned people, ”said the newlyweds.

Now that the excitement of the wedding has passed, you are both happy with your decision. “I feel great, busier and more responsible. It’s good not to think only of you and know that sometimes someone else thinks of you,” smiles Philippa.

He began his career as a journalism student at the University of Sofia. She then did her student internship at BNT on the program “Salud”, which was later renamed “The Day Up Close.”

Production editor-in-chief Mihail Visonov invites her to stay on the team as an intern. “I do not hide that it was extremely difficult, because every day that passes you are convinced that what you learned at university has nothing to do with real journalistic practice. “I am happy that the show team gave me a vote of confidence and allowed me to develop as a reporter, screenwriter, editor and presenter,” she said.

After the internship, she realized that they were looking for people for the BNT 2 news team. Filipa started working there as an internal and international editor. One day

the news anchor

says he is leaving, and

offer Philip


replace it

“I remember having hundreds of essays before my first real broadcast. For me, journalism is a vocation. It is good that young people choose journalism, not to do it because they want to become famous, but to choose the profession for its basic principles and purposes. , that is, for the benefit of society ”, he explains.

None of his family was a professional journalist. Filipa was born and raised in Sofia. As a child, she played a television presenter several times and even invited her sister to be her interlocutor. But it grows and games are in the background. He graduated from the National School of Finance and Economics with a degree in accounting, but decided that accounting is not the profession in which he wants to develop. Decides to study television journalism at the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski ”, and then completed a master’s degree in“ Production and Creative Industry ”.

Filipa has been the host of the central program “Around the world and in Bulgaria” on BNT 1 for about 2 years. “At first I was very worried, because for almost 5 years at BNT 2 I always presented the news alone, and at the same time I was a delegate producer. I will always be grateful to Spas Kyosev for the patience and understanding they showed me at the beginning of our joint work. The responsibility was great, because “Around the world and in our country” is the emblem of BNT and the news of the television market in our country. It is no coincidence that this is the news with the greatest confidence of the public, “he said.

The news is what Philippa has always wanted to do. But for her, the satisfaction is really great, starting the show with something positive. For example, earlier this week, the opening announcement of “Around the World and in Bulgaria” is for two Bulgarian geniuses of quantum physics and computer science, prize winners in the “John Atanassov” competition. One resolves a 100-year dispute between the fathers of quantum physics, Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, over whether quantum jumps are accidental. “His experiment changed the foundations of physics and would revolutionize the use of quantum computers. In my opinion, this is the big news. Those who change the world in some way and will benefit people. Unfortunately, there will be accidents or incidents every day, which are often main topics on shows as well. “

For her, keeping the news is not just reading the most important of the day, but a mission. “Today, the prestige of the profession is threatened by fake news and by people who do not have a basic understanding of pluralism and ethical principles in the journalism profession. Being a news anchor is a profession of thinking, thinking and responsible people who seek, find and show the real reality without manipulation for the mere fact of rating ”, Filipa is categorical.

Work, understandably, is a frequent topic of conversation with her loving husband. They both like to share, but

they never give

tips or not

impose on each other

any solution

– However, although both are part of public television, they deal with many different areas.

Ivaylo was born in Sofia in 1983 and lives with his parents in Bankya, where his father was born. In elementary school he plays soccer. “Sport has given me, but it has also taken a lot from me. “After a serious knee injury and two subsequent surgeries, I reconsidered many things,” he said. Ivaylo graduated from the University of National and World Economics with a Bachelor of Business Administration and a Master of Business Administration. Shortly after he left for the United States with the attitude of staying there permanently. He spent almost two years abroad on a hiatus and returned home in the fall of 2005. In 2008, BNT announced a competition for the position of “Production Director” and decided to apply. He won the contest and thus began his career on public television.

Ognyanov rises


producer of

“The House of Faith”,

which begins as a short documentary about BNT 2. “We wanted to show the spiritual life and traditions of the monasteries in Bulgaria. The goal was to reach these holy places and convey the messages to the clergy so that they could reach as many people as possible. The biggest difficulty was building trust so that we could take pictures. Most monks are ascetics, far from worldly life. Other monasteries have been established as educational centers. We wanted to show that there is life in them. It’s not just history and a museum, “he said. And it really succeeds, as evidenced by the awards from the international film festivals dedicated to the Dragalevtsi and Glozhene monasteries. Today the show airs on BNT 1.

Meanwhile, Ivailo completed his second master’s degree at the Faculty of Theology at the University of Sofia, defending his master’s thesis on “Documentary cinema as a means of catechesis” in the specialty “Contemporary aspects of theology”.

After experience as an executive producer of various shows since last October, he became a program director for BNT 1. “As a believer, I know that a person is given everything he can bear. I knew what to expect, but I’m glad I have a team that I can work with. Responsibility is great when you make decisions. If they are good, I do not expect praise, this is our goal in the end. But if they are bad, I have the consequences. I know and I try to be precise, “says Ognyanov.

Since the beginning of the new television season, BNT has a completely different programming schedule: the emphasis is on new shows, but also well-established current affairs shows, as well as entertainment editions like the game “The Last Wins “hosted by Orlin Goranov and the talk show Saturday Night with Mitko Pavlov. ”. “We wanted to make significant changes. Our goal is to significantly increase our audience. We have conducted a serious investigation, extensive discussions with all directors to specify the aspects on which the program depends,” explains the director of programs of BNT 1. Now in the On the agenda is the Christmas and New Years program. “The COVID epidemic has confused many plans, so it is a great challenge to make a good program during the holidays,” explains Ognyanov.
