This was announced by ODMVR – Burgas. The signal of the incident was presented on September 25 of this year. around 11:50 pm The accident occurred on the Yabalchevo – Aytos highway at km 89.
A BMW 330 car crashed on its own due to a speed incompatible with the terrain and road conditions when exiting a right turn, hitting a tree on the side of the road.
It is run by a 20-year-old man from the town of Chukarka, in Aytos. The driver was tested for alcohol consumption and the pharmacist reported a negative result. Blood was drawn for chemical analysis.
Two 17-year-olds from the town of Chukarka, who were riding in the back seat, were killed instantly from the accident.
A passenger in the front right seat was injured, an 18-year-old from the town of Chukarka, who had a concussion and a fractured right arm and was not in danger of death.
He is housed for treatment at the University Hospital – Burgas.
The investigation of the case has begun in the Regional Office – Town Halls.