Two years ago we were told that the time change would be canceled. But the decision runs the risk of failing, as EU countries cannot agree on when to introduce: summer or winter.
And we turned the arrows again. And two years ago we were told that the time change would be canceled: in 2018, the then President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, announced that more than 80% of Europeans in the survey had called for the time change to be abolished. time. Subsequently, the European Parliament decided to cancel the change between summer and winter time no later than October 2021. But the governments of the Member States have not yet agreed on the time of introduction: winter or summer . And there is no prospect of a recent solution.
When will we stop moving the arrows?
According to well-informed sources, the German EU Presidency, which runs until the end of the year, does not intend to invest much effort in this direction: there were more important issues, and a qualified majority was required to make such a decision. In Berlin, they believe that the most important thing is to avoid the chaos that would ensue if the EU countries decided the issue individually.
The German government itself has so far not ruled on the choice of summer or winter time. Furthermore, it awaits from the European Commission an expert assessment of the consequences of the abolition of the double turn of the arrows. And these consequences will definitely be serious. There are three time zones on the territory of the EU: Western Europe, Central Europe and Eastern Europe. If only daylight saving time is entered in the future, it will be too late in winter in the western and north-western regions. On December 21 in the Spanish city of Vigo, the sun will rise only at 10:01, and in the French region of Brittany, at 10:07. If, on the contrary, winter time is permanently introduced, it will be too early in the summer in the east: in Warsaw the sun will rise at 3:15 and in Berlin at 3:44.
At the same time, the time change is subjecting many people to real torture. According to a German study, almost 30% of people suffer from physical and mental problems as a result of moving the arrows: they experience inexplicable tiredness, they have difficulty falling asleep at night, they sleep intermittently.
“Now is the time”
The German economist Prof. Corbinian von Blankenburg believes that now is the right time to eliminate the time change. “As a result of the pandemic, companies and institutions have developed a new flexibility,” he said, recalling that working from home and online meetings are now quite normal. The economist explains that strict compliance with the exact start and end times of the working day or university classes loses relevance when parts of work and study are transferred to cyberspace.
Years ago, von Blankenburg proved something else: that changing the time does not lead to any significant energy savings. The Federal Environment Service came to the same conclusion: in the summer, the lamps are actually turned on later, but in the spring and autumn in the morning more heating is needed. This balances the pros and cons.