The third expected type of COVID vaccine – protein


PHOTO: Reuters

Based on preliminary data from the most advanced clinical trials, it stops the asymptomatic spread of the coronavirus and potentially provides longer-lasting protection. Hypothetically, protein vaccines protect more people with weakened immune systems and at risk of allergies.

In a few months, the range of vaccines against COVID is expected to be completed with the third possible type. The protein vaccines are of the classical type and their production is technologically slower than the already approved vaccines based on information RNA (mRNA), such as the “Pfizer” / “Bayontek” and “Modern” vaccines and the vector vaccines, from which the European So far, only AstraZeneca’s product has been approved by a regulatory body.

Protein vaccines are awaited with great interest for at least two reasons. First, they are theoretically credited with the potential to better protect people with weakened immunity for some reason. Second, based on interim clinical trial data, Novavax stops the asymptomatic spread of the coronavirus and also provides potentially more durable protection. A possible disadvantage of all preparations of this type is the risk of allergies due to the protein ingredient.

The US company’s approach to vaccine development is as classic as possible and similar to that of proven vaccines against shingles and hepatitis B, for example.

The NVX-CoV2373 vaccine, unlike the other three approved vaccines, which ‘work by’ tricking ‘the cells of the body into producing parts of the virus that then activate the immune system,’ ‘consists of proteins from a virus that is already attached to a carrier and activate the immune system directly ”, explains British Professor Paul Hunter of the University of East Anglia in Pharmaceutical Technology.

The vaccine injects a slightly modified, synthesized version of the virus’ spine protein rather than “instructing” the body to create it. These vaccines stimulate the immune response by directly administering the virus particles against which they are designed. The protein is combined with a compound called an adjuvant, which speeds up the immune response and makes the vaccine more effective.

In late January, the company said an interim analysis of a phase 3 clinical trial showed 89% effective protection in the UK, where the so-called new British strain of coronavirus circulates. The South African vaccine study is the first to ensure that the new 501Y.V2 variant can be defeated with vaccines. Recent laboratory data suggests that this variant is partially resistant to human-generated antibodies that have been recovered from COVID, as well as those induced by other vaccines. Novavax expects to supplement the data with testing in two larger groups and to submit marketing authorization documents. The company is in talks with regulators in the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, Canada and Australia. The UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency has already released a revision of NVX-CoV2373. Novavax expects to request an urgent global approval in the next two to three months.

Many companies are developing Baltic vaccines, but they are at an earlier stage of safety and efficacy testing. The approaches are similar, although some use the protein from the spine, others fragments of it, others, from the “body” of the virus. Such is the Vector vaccine developed in Russia, the GSK vaccine, products from various biotechnology laboratories in China, and a Cuban candidate.

China’s leading vaccine maker Sinopharm plans to present its newly developed candidate for a recombinant subunit vaccine in clinical trials. Following approval on Sunday, another smaller Chinese company began late-stage studies with 10,000 people in Pakistan, 30% of whom will be older people.

Once you borrow so many virus particles, can the protein vaccine get sick instead of creating protection? Do not! The purified protein antigens from the vaccine cannot reproduce and therefore cannot cause COVID. The proteins of the penetrating part of the coronavirus are “emptied” by the elements that have the power to copy the virus, they are something like an empty box. But the “package” serves the body to recognize the virus in case of an encounter with it and directs the immune system where to attack. According to the developers of this type of vaccine, it behaves better against new variants of the virus. Instead of our bodies making copies of the protein to boost the immune system, the proteins are ready.
