The state grants 35 euros to a foreign tourist who comes on vacation to Bulgaria with a Bulgarian letter


Tourists in the country will receive 35 euros for a foreign tourist who comes on vacation in Bulgaria with a Bulgarian charter carrier in the next 2 years. This was decided by the deputies who adopted in second reading the texts of the Health Law, which also change the position emergency law. The funds will be provided only for flights of more than 100 people.

The initial proposal of IMRO was to have a subsidy of 6,000 euros per flight in support of the Bulgarian charter companies that transport foreign tourists to our country. The deputy director of the MRF, Yordan Tsonev, supported him in principle, but suggested that the amount be 35 euros and that it be granted in each seat occupied by a person who uses a tourist service in Bulgaria.

This is the most serious tool to support tourism. Turkey has been subsidizing charter flights for years, and from this season Greece will do the same, Tsonev explained. According to him, the 1-bullet measure targets two rabbits: support is provided for both tourism and the 5 Bulgarian charter carriers. In addition, with the arrival of more tourists to our country, the catering sector will be supported.

The period in which tour operators must reimburse already paid tourists for vacations that have failed due to the coronavirus has been extended by 12 months. The BSP has demanded the creation of a state guarantee fund to assure consumers that they will continue to receive their money, even if a tour operator declares bankruptcy. However, this was not supported by the government. Valeri Simeonov’s proposal to have holiday vouchers at Bulgarian resorts was also not supported.

The ban on imposing seizures of citizens’ wages, pensions and bank accounts extends for two months. There will be no embargo on the bank accounts of the municipalities.

Within 2 months after the lifting of the state of emergency against individuals, all public sales and introductions in possession, announced by state and private bailiffs, will be suspended, after which they will be rescheduled, without fees or expenses. Scheduling is done at the request of the person, and if done before the expiration of the term, no fees should be paid.

For another two months there will be no penalty interest for debtors of so-called fast loan companies or people whose debts have been transferred to collectors. However, the relief will not apply to bank loans or those of its subsidiaries. For them, the possibility of negotiating and reprogramming liabilities until the end of the year is in force, according to the moratorium adopted by the BNB.

The deputy director of the Red Group, Krum Zarkov, demanded that protection for citizens also be preserved from banks. He explained that this is the most social measure in law and, therefore, must continue to operate in its entirety.

However, there are three measures to protect citizens, explained Justice Minister Danail Kirilov. He pointed out the extension of the term so that there are no seizures of his wages and bank accounts, as well as the prohibition of public sales and the entry into possession of people.

As for banks, BNB intervention with regard to the instructions of the ECB and the application of European requirements for the protection of consumer rights in legal credit relations is important. These measures are being implemented and now, people are renegotiating their credit relationships. Reprogramming is totally in favor of debtors, since there are no time limits and it is a matter of individual negotiation, since longer terms are accepted, Kirilov explained. It is important that the guidelines apply to countries that are strong until the start of the crisis. And preserving the old text will put debtors at a disadvantage, the minister added. According to him, debtors under credit agreements are successfully protected and the approach is balanced. And it was better for banks, instead of classifying individual contracts as expired and uncollectible, doing it as renegotiated.

Municipalities are also in the category of protected entities. We are still indebted to two classes: PEA and lawyers, but we will also find compensatory measures against them, Kirilov added.

With the changes in the law, municipalities may release rental companies that have suffered the crown crisis for another two months.

Until September 30, social benefits will be granted without children having to attend school or kindergarten. Immunization notification will not be required to receive child care subsidy for a child under 1 year of age.

The terms for the payment of the single benefits for pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, first degree, etc., which expire after March 1 of this year, are officially extended until December 31. The same date will apply to the terms of validity of the orders issued for accommodation in specialized institutions and social services. Until August 31, social homes cannot be closed, and until then no fee is paid for their use, the legal commission of the National Assembly decided.

The decision of hospitals and the Ministry of Health not to comply with the Public Procurement Law when purchasing disinfectants, medical devices, medicines and protective equipment extends for two months. Until then, the export ban on medicines will continue to apply. The National Health Insurance Fund’s medication protocols extend until July 13, if your term has expired during the state of emergency. Expired TEMP decisions will also be valid for another 2 months.

The law also stipulates that the school year will end online.

The ability for the employer to assign work from home or send your employees on forced leave also extends for 2 months.

Until October 31, agriculture will be able to hire unemployed temporary workers with temporary contracts of more than one day. They can be up to 14 days a month.

The NHIF can conclude annexes with doctors and dentists to obtain remuneration in unfavorable conditions, also established by law.

Many of the measures he proposes are a paper policy that has nothing to do with real life and does not solve the real problems of the Bulgarian people, but criticized the ruling social leader Cornelia Ninova. He announced that more than 1 million people remain outside of state care in the pandemic.
