The spokesperson for Mike Pence is the second coronavirus employee in the White House – USA. USA


A spokeswoman for United States Vice President Mike Pence tested positive for the new coronavirus, official media and sources said. This is the second such case in the White House this week, AFP notes.

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Pence’s spokeswoman Katie Miller is the wife of Stephen Miller, one of President Donald Trump’s closest advisers and the author of his anti-immigration policy.

An assistant to the vice president of the United States, Pence, tested positive for COVID-19

I feel good and can’t wait to continue working for the American people, he wrote on Twitter last night.

Without citing his name, a senior US official told reporters yesterday that an associate on the vice president’s team had tested positive for Covid-19. Later in the day, in a conference in front of Republican congressmen, Trump mentioned the name “Katie”, noting that he works in the field of media relations. These details were confirmed by the information in several American media, according to which it is Katie Miller, who attended a ceremony with the participation of President Trump and his wife Melania, as well as the wife of Mike Pence.

Six people who may have been in contact with Katie Miller and were preparing to accompany the vice president on a trip had to get off his plane before taking off from the Andrews military base near Washington.

Earlier this week, a military serviceman working with Trump discovered that he was infected with the coronavirus.

Trump and Pence, who are examined every day, said their tests for the virus were negative.

The President and Vice President of the United States will be evaluated daily for COVID-19

Presidency spokeswoman Kaylee McEnnany said there is no risk of an epidemic at the White House. “We are taking all necessary measures to protect the president,” he said.

However, Trump has been criticized for refusing to wear a protective mask in public, despite the recommendations of his own health experts. Very few people in the President’s entourage have been seen wearing a mask.

At a memorial service yesterday to mark the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II, Trump met with eight American veterans between the ages of 96 and 100. Neither the 73-year-old president nor any of the veterans wore a mask, but they were all only a few meters away.

Donald Trump: the White House already wears masks

It was a long way from veterans, and the wind was blowing so hard I would be very surprised if the virus affected them, Trump told reporters.

Trump was not wearing a mask when he visited a breathable mask factory in Arizona earlier this week, although he spoke in a room full of workers who strictly follow the company’s safety standards, BTA adds. allows you to follow the latest facts about the deadly coronavirus in real time:

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