The Secretary General of the Interior Ministry proved that Radev is wrong about the provocations (Video)


STAFF: Facebook / Nova TV

Radev in a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of the Interior and the State Agency for National Security due to the protests

President Rumen Radev invited the Secretary General of the Interior Ministry, Ivaylo Ivanov, and the President of the State National Security Agency, Dimitar Georgiev, to a working meeting.

“The reason for the meeting is the relentless protests, which focus on the actions of the forces of order,” said the head of state. “I am concerned about the health of the protesters and the dozens of injured police officers,” he said.

“The information is largely classified, and the prosecution has assigned another for its investigation, and we do not have permission for its disclosure by a supervising prosecutor,” said the chief secretary of the Interior Ministry, Ivaylov Ivano.

According to him, all the actions of the police during the days of the protests were completely tolerant. “We do not take sides, we try not to interfere,” he said.

Both in the morning and in the evening, the policemen were beaten with wooden sticks, shot, and even grabbed by the groin. He visited Evgeni Marchev and in the morning I went to see our patients. Come see the damage caused by improvised explosive devices. These boys and girls who were there also had to go home to their parents and children at night. Why do you think they are interested in politics or share partisan opinions? They are policemen and it is their duty to guard the institutions, we are trained and we know our duties, ”said Ivaylo Ivanov.

For hours, in Bulgaria and abroad, everyone saw what the police had suffered for hours. And if they didn’t wear helmets and shields, what would happen? We have an employee whose vision is unknown if he will recover. What can I tell you? That defending yourself with a shield is police violence? There is much more criticism from people against the police on why blockades are tolerated. But we do not enter our powers not to use any coercion, Ivanov continued.

If they threaten me that when they come to power, they will come back for me and my colleagues. Should the police be afraid to do their job? Don’t we live in a state governed by the rule of law and an EU member state? Ivaylo Ivanov asked excitedly.

See how the protests are being handled in Europe and the United States, what means the police are using. And we are just defending ourselves. We must not confuse the right to protest with anarchy. This is already anarchy when police officers are attacked and crushed. There is no peaceful protest that is bloody. Why does nothing happen for 56 days and these two days happen? There have been attempts at provocation before, but we have remained calm. Now we had to wait to be burned with Molotov cocktails? If they had burned 4-5 policemen yesterday, what should they have explained to their families? That they are peaceful protesters and we should protect them. We are used to being insulted and cursed, but we don’t want to be beaten and bombarded. We represent the state, not your government. The police will remain the same tomorrow when another department arrives. “I am sorry for my colleagues and I congratulate them for doing perfectly that night and I say it in front of you and in front of the director of SDVR,” praised his regular police colleagues Ivainov.

Wait for details!
