The provocateur Ivo Dimchev: I suffered a lot of violence in my childhood


“I was very unhappy when I was a child. I have suffered a lot of physical and mental violence from peers, from my father. This was shared in front of Marian Stankov – Mont from artist Ivo Dimchev.

“They did not understand me, I was an expressive child. I remember once some metalheads locked me in a school room and kicked me, “said the singer.

“In 2012-2013, I didn’t even want to live because I had health problems. I found myself on a bottomless street, because if I don’t drink HIV therapy, I will die of AIDS, and if I drink it, I will die of cirrhosis of the liver. Then I broke up with my friend. At one point I changed my perspective and began to take care of myself. I found peace. The only meaning of living is living for others. There have been people who have refused to work with me because I am HIV positive. The level of misinformation in Bulgaria it is brutal in this regard, “said Ivo Dimchev.

The provocative Ivo Dimchev on taboos on sex, love and loneliness

According to him, calling it provocative sometimes offended him. “For me, provocation is due to my curiosity to explore things that are outside my personal comfort zone. He is provocative, a person whose initial mission is to make you feel uncomfortable,” said the singer.

“I’m curious. This has helped me a lot in my work as a contemporary artist, but I don’t know how much it has helped me in my work as a pop singer. I have the karma of a person who is not afraid to experiment, which makes me a winner. in any situation, “Dimchev added.

When asked which actor deserves to be on the wall of fame, he gave two names.

“Naum Shopov. The way she moves speaks. Even if she removes the text, she has a lot of content. Snezhina Petrova is divine. She is the woman of the Bulgarian theater. Even if she does not speak, you are happy that she is there.” commented the artist, and Lili Ivanova is an example of an alarm clock for him.

“For me, the true alarm clock is a person who creates new rules, even if they only satisfy him. They are so emphatic that even if you don’t respect them, you respect them. I think Lily Ivanova is a good example of this. She is uncompromising. Perhaps it is a kind of alarm clock, because he is a man who has shown that he can maintain a high level, “said the singer.

Watch the entire conversation on the video.

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