The prominent Bulgarian scientist Acad. Petar Kralchevski – Society died


The prominent Bulgarian physicist, Academician Prof. Petar Kralchevski, professor at the Alma Mater Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy and former dean of the faculty, has passed away, announced the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Acad. Petar Atanasov Kralchevski was born on October 23, 1956 in the city of Gabrovo. In 1974 he graduated with a gold medal from the Gabrovo Higher School of Mathematics. In 1981 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Physics of the University of Sofia, specializing in “Atomic Physics”. In 1981 he was appointed a physicist in the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Sofia, where he later became a doctoral student (1982-1984). In June 1985 he defended his dissertation for the degree of “Candidate in Physical Sciences” (Doctor) and in December 1990 he was elected Associate Professor of Chemical Physics in the Laboratory of Hydrodynamics and Thermodynamics Physicochemical of the Faculty of Chemistry of Alma Mater. In 2001 he obtained a doctorate in physical sciences. In 2002, he was elected Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the Chemical Engineering Physics Laboratory of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Sofia.

For his high scientific achievements in 2004 he was elected corresponding member in chemical sciences in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and in 2012 he was elected full member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, being for many years the youngest academic in the Republic from Bulgaria. In 2010, Professor Kralchevski was elected Secretary of the European Society of Colloids and Surfaces (ECIS), in 2015 a member of the Board of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists (IACIS), and in 2020 a member of the European Academy of Sciences (Academia Europaea).

The academic Prof. P. Kralchevski has an impressive scientific and educational activity, highly valued both internationally and nationally. He is one of the leading Bulgarian scientists: author and co-author of more than 220 publications in scientific journals, 14 book chapters, and the groundbreaking monograph Particles at Fluid Interfaces and Membranes, published by Elsevier in 2001. His works are cited more than 10,000 times. in the scientific literature and his Hirsch index is h = 46. He has presented 262 papers at scientific congresses and symposia, of which 58 are plenary or invited, as well as 44 invited lectures at foreign universities. In 2006 he received the Sofia University badge of honor with a blue ribbon for significant achievements in science, in 2007 he won the 2007 Young Teacher award, in 2016 he was awarded the Pythagoras Grand Prize for Science. from the Ministry of Education and Science, and in 2020 it won the Liklem Prize of the European Society of Colloids and Surfaces.

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Professor Kralchevski’s main research is in the field of the physicochemistry of fluid surfaces, surfactants, and disperse systems. He has made significant contributions to the development and application of a series of theoretical approaches in thermodynamics and hydrostatics of fluid surfaces and membranes, kinetics and thermodynamics of surfactant adsorption, surface forces and stability of liquid films, capillary forces between colloidal parts. interfacial and thin film boundary, the theory of micellar solutions. Professor Kralchevski is the author (along with his Japanese colleague, Professor K. Nagayama) of the first complete monograph describing the behavior of colloidal particles at interfacial boundaries and in thin films. This important interdisciplinary field in recent years has attracted the attention of several scientists due to its importance in obtaining new classes of nanomaterials and composite materials, the ability to stabilize foams and emulsions without the need for surfactants, to develop new analytical techniques and diagnosis in medicine. and for other important applications.

Academician Kralchevski also has extensive managerial experience: from 1993 to 2008 he was director of the Laboratory for Physical Chemical Engineering; in the period from 2015 to 2019 he was dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, in the period from 2019 until his death he was head of the laboratory of “Complex Fluids” in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Engineering, head and co-director of more than 50 scientific and applied research projects with the participation of Bulgarian and foreign organizations. From 2007 to 2015 he was a member of the Board of Directors of NIS at the University of Sofia. Its research graduates are 16 defended PhD students who continue their research in Bulgaria and around the world.

The team expresses its condolences to Acad’s family and friends. Petar Kralchevski.
