The price of oil jumped


In the first days of October, the price of sunflower rose sharply, and this began to raise the price of oil in stores.

For BGN 2.39, Mara bought a bottle of oil from a Montana store. However, she noticed an increase from ten days ago. She says last time it cost her about 2 leva. According to her, the summer drought in some regions of Bulgaria is now affecting the price of oil.

“It rains more often here in the northwest, but it was drier in the east, and there are producers, and I suppose that’s why,” says Mara Bonova.

This year, farmers in the region are enjoying very good grain yields. Now they only control the price, especially that of sunflower.

“We sold a part and we will sell again because we have to make room for corn, which we have not started to harvest to end the year,” explains farmer Rangel Dimitrov.

Commodity exchanges report a dramatic increase in the price of seeds, reaching BGN 860 per tonne.

“There have been no other periods where prices have risen so rapidly. The price of sunflower rose 250-300 BGN. In just two weeks. This will inevitably affect the market. You can already see that the price of oil has risen around BGN. BGN, and somewhere even more, “says Montana Commodity Exchange manager Boris Angelov.

The forecasts for now are that the price of sunflower will not rise. But hosts like Mara already have experience. She says she will probably reduce her oil consumption and try to cook more economically.
