The PCR test is canceled after the quarantine, they are considering its reduction (VIDEO)


The PCR test was discontinued after 14 days of quarantine in some COVID-19 patients. This was announced by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, during the weekly briefing of the National Operations Headquarters. The reason for the introduction of the new rule is that two weeks after infection, even if the virus is still circulating in the human body, its burden is not great enough. This ruled out the danger of the patient infecting others around him.

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RHI-Sofia Director Dr. Dancho Penchev explained that PCR testing will continue after quarantine in people with symptoms and comorbidities.

“We have carried out studies in the capital’s RHI, which show that after 10-12 days the positive people among those in quarantine are a small percentage and after 14-15 days they become negative. With the end of PCR testing, everyone has the ability to include inspection. in other activities, to support other activities in the direction of securing the job itself, ”added Dr. Penchev.

He also said that the protocols in the PCR laboratory of combined tests for coronavirus, influenza A and influenza B are currently being introduced in the capital RHI.

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The Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, stated that one of the next measures that the experts will discuss is the reduction of the quarantine period. “There are countries where it is already 10 days and others where it is 7,” said associate professor Kunchev.

It also cites data from the European Center for Disease Control, according to which Bulgaria ranks 24th in morbidity and 7th in mortality from COVID-19 in Europe. In our country, 43 out of every 100,000 people get sick from COVID-19. The mortality rate is 1.9 per 100,000.

In the Balkans, we are even further ahead in the incidence ranking, in fifth place. The situation is worse in Romania, the Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania. Our country ranks fourth in terms of mortality on the peninsula after Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Romania.

“The incidence in our country is with the average growth of Europe. Bulgaria is still in the area with the brightest orange color. However, a group of about 10 countries is forming, in which the situation is quite difficult, “said Associate Professor Kunchev.

Earlier, Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov said that the measures would not be toughened. “I want to tell the Bulgarian citizens to be absolutely calm, because there is no need to toughen the measures against COVID-19,” said Prof. Angelov. Control over compliance with the measures already imposed continues.

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Minister Angelov explained that 14% of the occupancy of beds in COVID wards and 5% of beds in intensive care units. Currently there is a concentration of patients in the Burgas and Blagoevgrad regions.

1,263 doctors have been infected with coronavirus since the beginning of the epidemic in our country, said the headquarters.

As for schools, the situation is not worrisome, experts say.

“It is proven that, if the measures are followed, schools can be a safe place. At the moment, about half of teachers and students are affected, “said the state’s chief health inspector.


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