The Omsk doctor, who was rescuing the poisoned Navalny, died suddenly.


Moscow persecutes diplomats from Germany, Sweden and Poland, accusing them of participating in illegal protests

Deputy The chief doctor of the Omsk hospital, where they rescued Alexei Navalny poisoned with a newcomer after his accident on the plane, died suddenly at the age of 55, reported Russian media. According to preliminary data, Sergei Maksimishin suffered a heart attack.

The information was confirmed by the health authorities of the Omsk region, but they only state that the death was not caused by a coronavirus.

Leonid Volkov, one of Alexei Navalny’s associates, told CNN that Maximishin was in charge of dealing with the opposition leader. Navalny himself wrote after coming out of a coma that

is alive because

doctors in Omsk

they are on time

put it


Two days later, the Kremlin critic was transferred to a Berlin hospital, where rookie nerve gas poisoning was confirmed.

Volkov also points out that Maximishin was the head of the room where Navalny lay and was responsible for putting him into an artificial coma. This was the man who knew the most about the condition of the opposition leader. “I am not ruling out the possibility of foul play. But Russia’s healthcare system is so poor that doctors their age often die suddenly. I guess so.

there will be none

research for

his death “,

Volkov told American television. CNN commented that there was no evidence of anything suspicious in the doctor’s death.

According to Galina Nazrova, spokeswoman for the regional health service, Maximishin buried his parents this year and ruined it. “The man was sick. He died at work, in his intensive care unit. He was in the hospital, they transferred him to the intensive care unit and there he died,” he said.

Sergei Maximishin has worked at the hospital since 1992. He has developed and implemented methods to treat patients with severe circulatory disorders in the brain who are in critical condition. During his career, he saved the lives of thousands of people.

Meanwhile, Alexei Navalny was brought to court again in a defamation lawsuit filed by a veteran in the summer of 2020. For the most outspoken critic of the Kremlin, this is the third court hearing since his return from Germany. According to the opposition, this is a fabricated public relations process, so media close to the Kremlin can write “Veteran of Naval Defamation.”

Navalny is accused of insulting 95-year-old World War II participant Ignat Artyomenko, who spoke out in favor of changing the constitution, in a video.

Previously, the blogger asked his Instagram followers to overcome fear and free Russia from the ruling “thieves”. “And we will, we have to. For ourselves and for future generations. The truth is on our side. Stay free!” He wrote.

Thousands of russians

post yours

selfie with

red blouses

in support of his wife, Julia Navalny (wore a red blouse at court). The photos are accompanied by a hashtag with the words of Julia after her husband’s phrase: “Don’t be sad.” Everything will be fine, “reported the Daily Mail.

EU-Russia relations are at their lowest level since the Navalny affair, European diplomat No. 1 Joseph Borel said in Moscow on Friday in a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The EU envoy wanted to meet critics of the Kremlin during his visit, but his wish was rejected.

Shortly after the Borel-Lavrov conversation, it became clear that Moscow was prosecuting diplomats from Germany, Sweden and Poland for “participating in illegal protests in support of Navalny,” the BBC reported. A spokesman for the Swedish Foreign Ministry immediately denied that the country’s diplomats had joined the protests. According to Moscow, collaborators from the Swedish and Polish consulates in Saint Petersburg and from the German embassy in Moscow participated in the illegal actions. Diplomats are about to leave the country.

Alexei Navalny’s allies announced that temporarily

stop up


mass street


which were accompanied by arrests and beatings by the police. Defenders of the cause said the protests would continue into the spring or summer and until then, attempts would be made to free Russia’s most famous prisoner through foreign policy measures.

Lech Walesa nominated Alexei Navalny for the Nobel Peace Prize, although he already has such a nomination. According to the former Polish president, who is also a Nobel Prize winner, the Russian status quo fighter has shown great courage. “Today, Mr. Navalny is fighting against totalitarianism, for the ideals of democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, just as I fought a few decades ago in communist Poland,” said the former leader of Solidarity.

The Embassy of Russia in Sofia: don’t bother with “navalning

The Russian embassy in Sofia advised the Bulgarian authorities and their Western counterparts to first ensure that they respect democratic rights and freedoms in their own countries before engaging in the harassment. This is written in a post by the diplomatic mission on its Facebook page. Here is the full text of the statement:

In connection with the widely circulated speculations in the Bulgarian news space about the trial by amendment of the suspended sentence of A. Navalny effective in the case “Yves Rocher East”, we pay attention to the following.

The aforementioned understanding was carried out in a public format and in strict compliance with Russian law.

We remind you that the Russian Federation is a sovereign state and will not tolerate interference in its internal affairs by third countries and their officials. In particular, we consider that the presence of foreign diplomatic officials at the meeting puts pressure on the court.

We believe that the most active countries, which, under the “plausible” pretext of “protecting democracy and civil society”, want to influence the internal political situation of Russia, must first guarantee the observance of democratic rights and freedoms on their own. countries, and only then to engage in “navalning”.

Diplomats from Bulgaria and western countries attended Navalny’s trial on Tuesday.

This is the second accurate position of the Russian embassy in Sofia in less than a week. Last Saturday, the diplomatic mission responded to a statement by Jessica Kim, permanent legal adviser to the United States Embassy in Sofia. The occasion was an online conference in which the American pointed out that Bulgaria lacks political determination to combat corruption. The intensification of the Russian mission coincides with the replacement of Ambassador Anatoly Makarov. Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Eleonora Mitrofanova in his place in mid-January.
