The new Miss Bulgaria: The photos with my lips are absurd, I have been using hyaluronic acid for 5 years.


Ventsislava Tafkova is not impressed by the attacks on her.

She has big green eyes, dark hair, she’s full of energy, she’s a real workaholic and instead of airy dresses, she wears jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers. Far from the idea of ​​a “muffin”, 21-year-old Ventsislava Tafkova from Plovdiv is another Miss Bulgaria, stirring up spirits in the online space.

She won the contest a few days ago and in a short time managed to provoke a real storm of emotions among the female class. She was attacked, with a rather harsh language, because she enlarged her lips with hyaluronic acid, a correction that has become an absolute fashion not only among many of her companions, but even among women over 50 years old. She was accused of not being worthy of representing Bulgaria because she sets a bad example, and looking at her mouth, they did not understand at all who and what the new Miss Bulgaria is.

Hyaluronic acid

disappeared after a few


She will continue to be the same beautiful girl and will continue instead of hanging out in cafes, working from 7 am often until 12 at night, adjusting to her schedule and learning.

Ventsislava has been emotional, headstrong and very combative since she was very little. As a child, she was as naughty as five boys and kept white. But they happened because she always gave herself to protect children who were aggressive towards others. He says that the idea of ​​a typical mouse does not occur to him,

rather it is combative


He loves karting, he rides a motorcycle, which really terrifies his mother. There are almost no dresses in your closet. He prefers the comfort of jeans and sneakers. “I don’t think you should force a girl to get old,” she said.

In his hometown, he studied at a private professional secondary school, after which he enrolled in tourism at the New Bulgarian University. Opt for distance education to continue working. His family has two small hotels in the town under the hills and the whole family is involved in the business. Ventsislava started helping when she was very young. For 20 years, his mother Maria Tafkova owned a fashion house, but closed it five or six years ago. And while she was still a designer, she had 60-70 seamstresses in her studio and little Ventsislava would surround them to learn how to sew. It didn’t work out and she decided to do the opposite in the fashion industry. This is how you become a model. She was only 12 years old, but because she looked older, she was thrown right into the reviews of women’s collections. He paraded in both Plovdiv and Sofia, but at some point gave up. “From a young age I started to get involved in my parents’ businesses,” laughs the new Miss Bulgaria. And while his mother creates collections, his father has discos. But they decided to stop these activities and started a hotel business, where they immediately joined forces to help Ventsislava and her 12-year-old sister.

“It’s a family business and everyone does everything. I take care of all kinds of things, deliveries, when necessary, one of us stands at the reception, etc. You are there as a general worker,” he explains. There are no working hours. opening, hotels are not shops to close. In the morning he goes to work around 7-8 o’clock and

when necessary,

sits up to 12


Ventsislava does not have a single day off, she works seven days a week. It doesn’t bother her at all, on the contrary, she says that she can’t stay still, that she has to do something all the time. Because of the coronavirus and his business suffered a lot, especially since his clients are mostly foreigners. The staff is not great, but luckily they managed to keep it.

Shortly before appearing at the casting of “Miss Bulgaria”, the beauty decided to return to the catwalk. So he made the decision to submit his photos for the competition. She was approved, at first she was hesitant to participate, but said that once the casting passed, it would be foolish to give up. “My parents, of course, supported me. They are always behind me, they know that I am very combative. And I wake up every morning with another new idea that must be made a reality,” says the new Miss Bulgaria.

She owes her perfect measurements to her many years of modern ballet, and has been practicing sports dancing and rhythmic gymnastics for some time. Now she tries to eat healthy, but from time to time she is tempted by sweets, and when she has the opportunity, she goes to the gym, but rarely has time.

Your heart is still free.


fear of the strong


“Our generation has a problem, there are almost no men, there are children of mothers,” he said.

He commented on the hyaluronic acid attacks on his lips: “In Bulgaria, everyone does and understands everything. My only correction is a half blister of hyaluronic acid on my lips. I use it once a year. Every girl has something artificial in herself, be it extensions, gel nail polish, these are artificial things too. They are making adjustments around the world. Outside, the doctors are very good and their intervention is not obvious. And here everyone wants to be similar, to be the same. They have some idols as playmates and they go out of their way to look like them. I am very angry because they mistake playmates for models and mice. I am not against them, but the difference is huge and the Bulgarian does not understand it. “

Ventsislava has been using hyaluronic acid for five years, so it is absurd to show her “before” and “now” photos, in which she looks the same. In pictures from two years ago, she was with the same doctor over and over with half a vial of hyaluronic acid, no difference. “If people invest all this energy in something positive for Bulgaria, many things can be done. But they are looking at those lips, noses, etc., they find fault in all. I am not impressed. He who is afraid of bears should not go to the forest. Once I put my head in the bag, I assumed there would be negatives. I don’t want everyone to like me. A woman must be confident in herself, be able to preserve herself as a man, not be crushed by men or depend on them in any way. From then on, whether they comment on your mouth, nose or something else, there will always be something to hold on to. They are unemployed people and the worst thing is that they are women in their 40s and 50s who probably they have daughters my age and I don’t know how they are not ashamed to write those things. This is the ugliest thing, “says Ventsislava.
