The National Preparedness Plan for a Pandemic was adopted (VIDEO)


The Council of Ministers adopted the National Preparedness Plan for a Pandemic. He was represented by the Minister of Health Kostadin Angelov, the President of the National Operational Headquarters Ventsislav Mutafchiiski and the Executive Director of Pirogov Asen Baltov.

The main objectives are to reduce morbidity and mortality, provide treatment to the sick, and provide information to the public.

“This plan is general. This is a program document, it is the basis of all plans that will be made from now on for all diseases,” said Professor Kostadin Angelov.

In preparing the project, the guidelines and guidelines of the WHO and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, the existing scientific knowledge in the field and the practical experience accumulated in the country to face previous epidemics and pandemics were used. .

Associate Professor Angel Kunchev explained that the plan covers all possible pandemics.

“Information for people is key. Certainly, after the New Year immunization against this virus will begin,” said Associate Professor Kunchev.

Vaccination in our country begins after the new year (VIDEO)

Professor Angelov emphasized that vaccination will be voluntary and completely free.

“The commitment of the focal point and the government will be every citizen who wants a vaccine to provide it,” said Professor Angelov.

“Refrigerators will be provided later this week to store the vaccine. There will be 4 in number, 2 in Sofia, one in RHI Burgas,” explained Prof. Angelov.

Today a president of the Coordination Council for the implementation of the National Vaccine Plan has been appointed. This will be Prof. Dr. Krassimir Gigov. He is a gene. Director of the Bulgarian Red Cross and Chief Coordinator of the Council of Experts in Emergency Medicine

Chief of Operations Gen. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski said that Gigov’s appointment filled him with satisfaction.

“He has the knowledge, the experience, the scope of action necessary in this type of event. The only thing I want to tell you is that you can count without reservation on the help of the Military Medical Academy, ”said the hospital director. He announced that refrigerators for the storage of vaccines would also be delivered there.


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