The most important thing for Nikolina Angelkova is family


Nikolina Angelkova with her daughter

Nikolina Angelkova is a GERB deputy and former Minister of Tourism.

Here’s what makes her happy and what are her 7 favorite things when she’s out of the spotlight.

1. The family. It is the most important thing to her. Every free minute is dedicated to his daughter Dalia. Wherever he was in the world, he hurried home to see her smile, play together, wish her good night. This year, Dahlia is a proud first grader, and she combines Barbie and Rapunzel doll activities with math and letters enviable now in an electronic environment.

November 30 – Angelkova’s birthday was the first one in which the young woman combined her “home office” with her favorite teacher and class with cake serving commitments.

Angelkova has two sisters, three nieces and a nephew, who together with her parents are very important to her. Before the pandemic, the four families were together every holiday and in the makeshift kindergarten and menagerie (the picture ends with his sister’s dog, already resigned to being in the doll’s pram, and recently the Dahlia’s snow white angora rabbit with a dangerous taste for orchids and wires). They experienced loud but wonderful moments of laughter and games. Apparently, the most stable in the situation seem to be the parents – Angelkova’s husband, Hristo, and her sons-in-law, but their intervention in an extreme situation is always timely.

2. Sports – is very important to the former Minister of Tourism. “Through sports, I fight stress and train my concentration.” She loves long walks in nature, fitness, is in love with basketball, has played folk dances for many years. In the current situation, Nikolina Angelkova trains almost every day to tone up at home.

3. Travel and Tourism: by the way, tourism is a cause for her and people who know her know that at this moment she is not influenced at all by her official position. She is convinced that communicating and getting to know different cultures is the most natural way to create closeness and respect between different people. It has its favorite place on the southern coast of the Black Sea, which with its style, beauty and qualities competes successfully with many destinations in the world. For her, traveling is not usually a vacation; It involves working and gaining experience in various fields. More than once it has transferred good practices from different European countries to Bulgaria. His contacts with leaders and representatives of European and world institutions have long been more than official. It is also evident on his birthday, when his phone would not stop sending greetings and at night not only because of the time difference.

4. He loves books. He constantly reads in different languages ​​and never tires of saying how important it is to read, not just surf the internet. There are many “for her” books, mostly on politics, economics, and administration, but of course works of fiction.

5. One of Angelkova’s favorite items are a small statue from the ancient city of Petra, Personally gifted to her by Princess Dana Firas of Jordan and a painting by former Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization, Taleb Rifai, which she received on November 30, 2016. Both Princess Dana and Taleb, as Angelkova calls him, are her friends very close and regularly speak about world economy and tourism. The princess visited Nikolina Angelkova in Bulgaria last year and was fascinated by our nature and culture.

6. Icon Saint Nicholas the Wonder Worker – of course, it is in a prominent place in your home. Nikolina Angelkova and her family will honor the saint on her mansion day and wish each other health. The Holy Mother of God with the Child, Santa Mina are just some of the many icons that keep the Christian spirit at home.

7. Nikolina Angelkova only hints A bracelet – special for her, because it belongs to a loved one, for whom she cares a lot. Although she didn’t want to show it to us, this gift has deep emotional value to her and she believes it brings her happiness.
