The Ministry of Education and Science made a final decision on masks in class


The Minister of Education issued an order

The Minister of Education and Science issued an order ordering primary and secondary students (grades 5 to 12 inclusive) to wear personal protective equipment for the face (protective mask / helmet) during school hours. As before, it is still mandatory to place personal protective equipment in common areas of schools by students and teachers, announced the Ministry of Education and Science.

In the schoolyard, students and teachers may be without a mask / helmet when there is no interaction with another class. Exceptions are allowed for teachers in grades 1-4, who teach in a single class and it is possible to maintain a distance between them and the students. Students may be without personal protective equipment during tests, exercises, etc.

Valchev on MS: We Decided 5th-12th Grade Students Should Wear Masks in Class

For students in grades 1-4, the wearing of a mask / helmet during class and other activities may be required by decision of the Pedagogical Council or the teaching teacher of each class.

During school hours, at the discretion of teachers, as well as outside of school hours, students may be without personal protective equipment for a short time with the windows open in the classroom or when on the schoolyard.

In class, only with masks. Which students will the measure apply to?

The exceptions to the order are students who have health reasons and by prescription of a specialist it is not recommended to use personal protective equipment.


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