The Minister of Health: We are entering a very serious phase, followed by physical distance


We are entering an extremely serious phase of the disease in Bulgaria, said Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov at the weekly briefing of health authorities on the spread of COVID-19.

“The most important measure is to wear a mask indoors, it saves lives. It is a measure that reduces patients who need to be admitted to a hospital. The next measure is social and physical distance. Avoid meetings, avoid crowds in public places and restrict travel if not necessary. Avoid going to elevators, cinemas etc. These measures cannot stop the spread of the virus. We are talking about diffuse distribution. We cannot stop it, but we can control it ”, the minister appealed.

“From the beginning we said that the percentage of positive cases in the fall will increase. In this situation, the most important measure is to show common sense and think about our loved ones, who we can protect, and those whom we can infect. This is not the time to celebrate, but to help the health systemHe also called, highlighting that there are 1,276 specialist doctors with coronavirus at the moment, 90 of them are treated in the hospital and 7 in intensive care units.

“We want to reduce the pressure on doctors. The biggest pressure is in Sofia. The data is sent to the coordination center, and when the ambulance leaves, the beds are already occupied. But whoever considers it urgent has the right to seek help at any time “. “No one can reject an emergency,” said the minister, adding that currently one in three beds for the treatment of coronavirus is occupied.

According to him, the state has what it takes to meet the distribution needs of COVID-19. Another 1,700 vials of Remdesivir will arrive today, more than 4,300 vials are expected next week, and protective gear has been provided for 6 months, he said, noting that spoke at 3 p.m. with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov.

Regarding the video broadcast on social networks, which shows how the gypsy woman made a party and danced in a hospital room during the pandemic, in which there is a bed crisis, the minister said that he had sought help from the Interior Ministry to find out. which is the health institution and soon it will be announced and it will be announced what measures will be taken.

The Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, who also participated in the briefing, noted that the situation in Europe is currently the worst in the world. Bulgaria ranks 13th in morbidity in Europe and 4th in the Balkans. Mortality in our country ranks tenth in Europe and fourth in the Balkans, he said.

I do not share the optimism of some of the governments that we will achieve a very good result. We will first have to extend the measures after November 12, at least until the end of November, “Kunchev said.

He then announced that it was time to consider further measures.

“Limit the number of employees in the offices to 50%, force those who do not want to, as well as close the restaurants and cafeterias that did not close by previous order until 10 pm or no later than 11 at night. Limit all the Extracurricular activities outside class, as this applies to all students from 1st grade onwards. Our recommendation to universities: go completely to telework. Exceptions should be made only for doctors and only in exercises. It is necessary to go to the period recovery. over 65 to shop in a green hallway – shop between 08:00 and 10:00 in the morning, with which we strive to separate the most dangerous part of the population, “he recommended.

“Currently, 3,200 people are being treated in hospitals, receiving full medical attention. It is very easy to find three who have had an ambulance delay, who have not been admitted to the hospital on time, they probably have and will continue to have them. But focusing on this 0.1% creates the impression of chaos, “Kunchev said of the problems in the health system.

Vidin, Dobrich and Silistra remain in the orange zone, everyone else is in the red zone, Kunchev added, saying that mortality is increasing dramatically.

According to him, medical personnel should come out of quarantine after a negative PCR. As well as urgently empowering the Minister to assign various medical specialists. It’s time for colleagues in the prehospital sector to get involved in the fightto make the load more even, Kunchev added.

Prof. Asen Baltov

Prof. Asen Baltov

Photo: BTA

The director of “Pirogov” Prof. Asen Baltov announced that the pressure on Sofia hospitals is very great. Following the order of the Minister, until now the beds in Sofia have been 3000, of which 250 are for intensive care.

“I can say that the pressure in the Sofia hospitals is extremely serious. Many people call on the phone to ask what to do – at home at the first symptoms of discomfort and if the problems worsen – call your doctor. There is a differentiation of the treatment of patient. If the GP takes care of mild patients from the first day of contact with themBy the time he has to be admitted to the hospital, this will make things much easier for us, “Baltov said.

He recalled: “At the first symptoms of malaise – a slight increase in temperature, muscle weakness, similar to muscle fever, stay home, do not go to work. Stay home for at least 1-2 days. If problems get worse Ask your doctor. When you don’t have one, you can contact RHI specialists. “

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