The Minister of Health in an emergency meeting with the heads of hospitals in Plovdiv – Issues in development


IN it’s time to work together as one person. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, in a meeting in Plovdiv with doctors and hospital directors in the region, the regional governor Dani Kanazireva and representatives of the medical staff.

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The Health Minister arrived in the city urgently after two cases of patients left waiting on the steps of St. George’s Hospital. Soon after, they both died.

The Minister expressed his full support for the doctors in the Plovdiv medical establishments, but stated that he would not show understanding for the lack of humane treatment of patients.

“You can count on me 100%, in every situation I will show understanding, but I will not show understanding for the lack of humane treatment of the sick,” said Professor Angelov.

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He added that he understands how tense the situation is in hospitals, how tired the doctors are and how they are working to the limit.

“The climate at the moment is such that we all have to work as one person. Do what is necessary for patients. I came here to let you know that the state is behind you,” added the minister.

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Angelov also pointed out that the district governor must continue with the organization for the opening of extra beds and act according to the orders, as well as carry out the necessary redistribution of respiratory devices in hospitals where there is intensive treatment.

Prof. Angelov announced that the necessary equipment and consumables for the collection of blood plasma will be provided to the Plovdiv Blood Center. Two more devices will be provided for Plovdiv after the New Year.

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According to the minister, the state has provided sufficient quantities of Remdesivir and each hospital can request it from the RHI.

362,000 doses of low molecular weight heparin will be received for the network of pharmacies and hospitals in the country.
The minister pointed out that as of January 1, an increase in the salaries of doctors in hospitals is expected.
Separately, the prices of clinical pathways and limits will also be increased by 10 percent.

At the same time, the city prosecutor’s office and health inspection are investigating the cases of the two deceased patients with COVID. An inspection is underway at the hospital itself.

The abandonment of patients from the ambulance is a serious violation, according to the Regional Health Inspection.
Although the men have been transferred from one hospital base to another, they usually have to wait in the ambulance in front of the health center until a doctor delivers and picks them up.

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“There must be coordination between one base and the other. The host must wait for the patients. They must be accompanied by medical personnel,” explained Dr. Siika Dimcheva of RHI-Plovdiv.

The Toxicology Clinic, which has been converted to an emergency ward of COVID for several days due to the exhaustion of the beds of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, said that one of the reasons for the case was the lack of personnel. Two-thirds of the doctors and nurses left after learning they would be treating coronavirus patients.

“I call it an unfortunate coincidence. Everything is done. For me, 98% of the organization is created. It works to the maximum of this limited staff. These people who were on shift worked for other patients. They did not work. Paramedics. The doctors and nurses did not work as paramedics. Paramedics really helped. Even Dr. Velev is honored, from what I understand, he almost carried the patient on his back, “explained Professor Yanko Iliev, head of the Toxicology Clinic in St. . .Georgi “-Plovdiv.

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The hospital management denied the claim that there was a lack of oxygen in the ward. On the contrary, it was enough. Neighborhood workers declined to comment today.

“Don’t expect five-star conditions. The partners are absolutely exhausted. Don’t expect us to perform miracles. We are also doctors, we are also people, we are also vulnerable and there is a limit. People need to be a little more patient. No way this aggression it should be poured out on us. Show understanding, “said Professor Mariana Stoycheva, a physician at the Infectious Diseases Clinic.

The district governor also launched an investigation into the scandalous case.

“Definitely no concessions will be made. The inspection and its results will be made public,” said Dani Kanazireva, regional governor of Plovdiv.

The inspection by the health authorities will be completed in two or three days.
