The Minister of Health explained how to act in the second wave of COVID-19 in our country VIDEO


“A large number of people do not follow any measures, including disinfection and the use of protective masks. Some do not even believe that such a disease exists. They believe in very strange conspiracy theories.” This was stated by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, in “Drive straight” on Nova TV to Diana Naydenova.

After assuming the post of Minister, Prof. Angelov actively traveled across the country to monitor hospitals treating COVID-19 patients.

“I don’t know how doctors spend a full shift in safety suits. Given that their duration is 12 hours. Everything is heroism for the people who” live “in these structures for weeks. I would say that this is bordering on capabilities. human, “he said.

“The hospitals are ready, it is very important for everyone to know that if a more serious wave begins, for which we are preparing and we are ready, the filling of medical institutions will not be done by small hospitals, where there are very few people. Many of them are elderly and there are many retirees who work. We take all these factors into account, ”said the Minister of Health.

He added that efforts are focused on structural hospitals and pointed out that actions that endanger the life and health of people will not be allowed.

We will prepare a “patient path” with all the symptoms. It will be different for each district in the country. So that people know where to go and what to do. Do not go from hospital to hospital. It will be written clearly who will do what, “explained Professor Angelov.

Before Diana Naydenova, the minister also clarified that Bulgaria ranks well among the EU countries in terms of the pandemic.

“We are 20th in terms of morbidity and 16th in terms of mortality. Of the Balkan countries we are in second to last place.” Things are looking good, “he said.

Prof. Angelov commented on the return of the students to the classrooms at the beginning of the new school year. He explained that the testing procedures in case of coronavirus infection will be regulated.

“I don’t think the parents or the child will pay. We have RHIs and laboratories already equipped. When coronavirus is suspected, there are health professionals in schools who can refer the child to the appropriate health inspection. Certainly, children and parents will not pay for these tests. It is normal that they do not pay, “said the teacher.

The Health Minister stated that the vaccine, which will be developed and offered to Bulgarian citizens, will have passed all EU control mechanisms.

“It is important for us to keep it safe. Let people know that it will be placed at will. It will not be included in the vaccination schedule and it will not be mandatory. It will be voluntary and free. Anyone who thinks they are at risk can take advantage of this vaccine” he explained.

Kostadin Angelov also commented on the protests, which have been going on for the second month in a row, demanding the resignation of the government.

“It is positive that someone has the freedom to express their opinion freely, democratically, respecting the laws and order of the country. “I do not believe that the politicians that we see in the squares can give a solution to the problems that they hope the protesters will solve,” concluded the Minister of Health.
