The Minister of Education: It is illegal to charge parents money for materials and consumables | News from Bulgaria and the world


Education and Science Minister Krassimir Valchev has sent a letter about fundraising from parents of children and students in state and municipal kindergartens and schools, stating that there is no legal basis for this.

The Minister’s letter with the number 9107-157 of September 17 is addressed to the heads of the regional departments of education, to the directors of state and municipal schools and kindergartens, with a copy to the ministers of culture and sports of schools and mayors. of municipalities.

“The Preschool and School Education Act (ZPUO) has regulated the right of students and children of compulsory preschool age to free education in kindergartens and state and municipal schools. Free education includes the right not to pay the Tuition fees provided with funds from the state budget, as well as free use of the material base for the formation and development of the interests and abilities of children and students ”, reads the letter from the Minister of Education.

“The collection of funds from the parents of children and students for materials and consumables, for the improvement of the material base and for other current expenses for the maintenance of the education and training process in municipal and state schools and kindergartens there is no legal basis. Parents of children and students are obliged to pay only statutory fees ”, says Krassimir Valchev and recalls that money for such purposes cannot be collected through the boards of directors.

“Fundraising in the form of donations must be done in accordance with the principle of voluntariness and the personal will of the donor. When collecting donation funds, the type, amount, value, number and date of the accounting document of the donations received and provided , donor data, as well as a duplicate donation certificate, “the letter read.
