The main news of the day! Are we at the threshold of critical values ​​for COVID? – Diseases


The main news of the day – March 7.

Bulgaria is slowly “sinking” and reaching critical values ​​for COVID-19.

This was summarized by the mathematician of the National Operational Headquarters (NIGHT) Prof. Nikolay Vitanov. Coronavirus experts are closely monitoring when the cluster spreads diffusely. The data shows that the number of breeders is increasing. 1.24 is for the country. The areas entering the “red zone” are also increasing.

Today the values ​​in the city of Sofia show an increase to 1.60. In Plovdiv – 1.26 and in Varna – 1.17. The situation is also deteriorating in Burgas, where the hike reached 1.97 on March 7.

“In the larger areas, we see the situation getting worse.” The country is also slowly sinking, “Professor Vitanov said.” We are hovering around critical value. The critical value is expected on Tuesday-Wednesday, when it will exceed 1.3 for the country, “he added.

NIGHT mathematician Prof. Vitanov: We are around critical values, the country is slowly “sinking”

In Europe, we are given the example of how to deal with a pandemic. Despite the increase in the number of infected people, there is no cause for concern.

So said the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostandin Angelov in Varna. According to him, starting today in Sofia he will start meetings with representatives of the country’s RHI and all those involved in controlling the situation. Hospitals will withstand the pressure, they have everything they need, was Angelov’s position. According to him, at this time there are no critical points in the country, there are places where the capacity of beds is filled and transformations are being made to increase their number. According to the minister, this is valid for Kyustendil, Burgas, Shumen and various medical institutions in Sofia. Angelov added that there is still no talk of changes in the students’ online and physical attendance schedules. His position was that people should be treated with the utmost justice, since there are areas like Varna and Veliko Tarnovo where the incidence is low and in other regions the situation is more tense.

In Europe, there is already talk of a Bulgarian model to solve the pandemic crisis, added the minister. According to him, the reason is that our country has managed to achieve the best results in the field of morbidity and mortality, although the measures in our country had a much lower severity index. At the beginning of the vaccination campaign, Bulgaria did two things that other countries are now beginning to implement, Angelov said. According to him, it is about the Oxford vaccination of people over 55 and the opening of green corridors.

Prof. Angelov proud: Europe is already talking about a Bulgarian model to solve the pandemic crisis

Helpful tips for anyone who gets vaccinated with AstraZeneca.

With the expansion of the vaccination campaign to groups such as teachers, hygienists, dentists, physiotherapists, many are already reporting various physical problems after the first hours after receiving the vaccine.

To assess the body’s initial response to the first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine, the immunized person must wait at least 15 minutes where the vaccine was administered. It is important to avoid sudden dizziness and fatal falls, or in the case of a sudden severe allergic reaction.

What we need to know before and after the first dose of AstraZeneca

Death in Austria after vaccination.

Austrian authorities have stopped vaccinating against the coronavirus with a batch of AstraZeneca as a precautionary measure while investigating the death of a 49-year-old woman and the illness of a 35-year-old after an injection of the drug. This was announced today by the Austrian Federal Agency for Health Safety.

The women received doses of the same batch of vaccine. One died of severe blood clotting disorders, the other developed a pulmonary embolism, but is now improving. “There is currently no indication of a causal link to the vaccine,” the statement said. Experts are investigating the cases to rule out a possible link. As a precautionary measure, the remaining doses of vaccine from this batch will not be used, the agency added.

Austria has suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca due to the death of a 49-year-old woman

The Prime Minister: I am fulfilling what I promised.

This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, who visited the village of Draginovo, the largest in the Pazardzhik region. There he spoke with the mayor and asked him about the development of the town.

“Our electoral campaign is easy, we show what we have done,” emphasized Borissov.

Borissov is on tour in the country: I am fulfilling what I promised

