The internet says: Oh, Pepi! They brought the vaccines!


Today is the long-awaited day X, in which we received the vaccines against COVID-19. Early in the morning, in front of dozens of media cameras, 9,700 doses of Pfizer and Biontech arrived at the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases in Sofia.

However, the logistics for the delivery of the vaccine in the country replaced the well-planned public relations campaign from the center of Sofia. Instead of high-tech vehicles maintaining the -70 degrees required for storage, the preparations were transported from the capital to Plovdiv and Burgas by… bus, which otherwise carries sausages.

The Health Minister assured that the vaccines will be used immediately and therefore it is not necessary to place them in low temperature freezers, and all the manufacturer’s requirements for transport and storage are met.

Despite all the guarantees, this decision by the authorities provoked both negative reactions and several humorous collages.

Oh Pepi! They brought the vaccines

It is no coincidence that an ad from the recent past for sausages has again circulated on the Internet. The sausage company is the same one that transports the valuable vaccines. The association with meat products made people joke that the preparation should be offered in a package with cold beer, and if each vaccine has a kilo of sausage, those who want it can increase.


Others suggested that the vaccines were hidden in hot dogs to travel unnoticed across the country.


Miracles happen at Christmas

Many Europeans have compared vaccines against the new coronavirus to the Christmas miracle. That is why until recently many people joked that if in other years we waited for Santa Claus with the truck of a famous soft drink brand, today everyone is waiting for him with a Pfizer truck.

In Bulgaria, however, the reality is different.

Nobody knows what’s in them

For years it has been said about sausages that “nobody knows what they contain”. The joke became popular again with the vaccines brought to our country. Social media users, who are also fans of conspiracy theories, joke that both products should not be risked.

Microsoft creator Bill Gates wasn’t lost either.

There were also people who supported the decision of the health authorities and commented that in this way hundreds of millions of levs were saved for the Bulgarian taxpayer by specialized teams for the transport of the preparations.
